Hi, friends! Before we get started if you are looking for some brunch recipes for mom this weekend don't forget about yesterday's chocolate coconut flour pancakes recipe and this spring brunch recipes roundup!
I've been loving @pbfingers workouts, mainly because I know she is also pregnant so I feel like it's a good starting ground for me. Also because I'm so out of inspiration for making up my own workouts lately!
Walks with Nala are daily and last 35-60 minutes depending on what time I wake up, what I've got going on that day, etc.
- Friday (5/4) - off + walk Nala
- Saturday (5/5) - Zumba + walk around dog park while Nala play
- Sunday (⅚) - off - total rest day no walk
- Monday (5/7) - Run & Trimotus - I did about 2 miles on the treadmill at a really slow jog. + walk Nala
- Tuesday (⅝) - Modified full body workout on @pbfingers IG account + walk Nala
- Wednesday (5/9) - Modified upper body workout on @pbfingers IG account + walk Nala
- Thursday (5/10) - Rest (lots of walking around the mall with a friend, which these days totally counts) + long Nala Walk
I keep thinking that five workouts happen and really only 4 get in there. I'm not as tired as the first trimester so it's not a lack of energy. It's two things, I find I'm taking a little longer to recover from intense workouts and second, I'm still a little limited in what I'm comfortable doing.
I still avoid anything that requires me to sit for a long period of time like biking and rowing, although I'll do short rows. I'm thinking about trying a prenatal yoga class my friend told me about that's down the street so that might help add activity on one day. I really wish my gym had a stair master, but they don't, so I might have to suck it up and use the elliptical (so boring.) So hopefully somehow I can add in another workout!
It's hard to keep this section ONLY about food and not so much about pregnancy food if that makes sense. I'll try to save the pregnancy comments for my next update, but some might slip in.
On the food front, I tried these from Trader Joe's which lasted exactly two days in our house. So, for real, I can't be trusted to buy those again.
Egg sandwiches have been a thing, almost every day for either lunch or dinner!
I also went to Sauce with my friend Alyssa (you may remember her wedding) and I forgot how good their food is. I got a pizza and a side salad, the side salad was almost big enough to be a meal!
PS eating out in pregnancy is the WORST sometimes. Between aversions and what you should avoid (I'm apparently a very strict pregnancy eater, everything freaks me out), I'm lost sometimes. Carbs are almost always safe so that's what I go for.
Why you might feel better on a gluten-free diet, the only thing I think they missed was yeast!
Dealing with Avascular Necrosis, great post by Megan at Skinnyfitalicious!
Thriving in the Grey Area by Tina at Carrotsncake
Costco vs. Target vs. Amazon Cost Comparison by Kath at Kattheats
Recipe Round-Ups:
Recipes that Prove Eggs For Dinner Should Be A Thing
Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious says
Thanks for sharing! I'm glad you're feeling better lately. xo
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Me too! lol
Emily @ Pizza & Pull-Ups says
Sauce is so good, I love their roasted veggie salad and potato pizza. Hope you have a good one!