First before anything, thank you so much for every single comment, message, DM, and email about our big news! The outpouring of support, cheers, high fives, and pure joy was more than this emotional mama could handle. Thank you from the bottom of my heart I appreciate it more than you could know! In case you missed it, on request I share some of my story on what I did to get pregnant, in case you are interested!
Welp, I think I'm about to wreck my 6 am walking Nala streak. We will see, to get up at 5:30, I've been going to bed by 8 pm. By that I mean, eyes shut in bed passed out at 8 pm. It's 7:50 pm and I'm just starting this post. Whoops. I blame Mr. Hungry distracting me by looking at new dining room tables! We are getting some quotes on opening up our galley kitchen tomorrow and doing some more home reno. I guess better now than when the baby comes, that sounds like a DISASTER. We're also planning on finally purchasing some decorations for the house. In the past, we've always avoided buying decorations because, well, we knew we weren't staying in our past houses. Now that we are staying in this home for a long time, we realize we need some decorations. Right now the most decorated room in the house is the gym, kind of sad haha!
Before we got to today's post I want to make sure you saw yesterday's post, I know I've been posting kind of late. I should be back on track with early AM posts for my east coast friends next week. Anyways, Tom's of Maine is donating a ton of money to conserving our nation's waterways. Please make sure you check out the post, vote for your favorite project, and enter to win some free Tom's of Maine natural personal care products.
Click here ---> How You Can Help
Okay so fitness, one good thing is walking 45-60 minutes with Nala every morning. The whole first trimester was a STRUGGLE to workout. Literally, any exercise was a win in my book. Feeling a little more energetic every day.
Friday - Off? Not sure here!
Saturday (4/21) -
My favorite and hardest workout of the week:
Sunday (4/22) -
Upper Body Workout I made up x 3 rounds:
- assisted pull ups x 5
- arnold press x 10
- hammer curls x 15
- pushups x 10 (on knees)
- SA rows x 5 e/
- Lateral raises x 10
- Tricep Dips on Bench x 15
- Front Raise x 10
Monday (4/23) - Off
Tuesday (4/24) - At home workout, I made up:
5 rounds of:
- 9 burpees
- 8 push press/should press
- 6 sumo deadlift
Wednesday (4/25) - treadmill workout from @carrotncake IG account (I saw it in her stories) that I modified - skipped one round and slowed down on the treadmill.
Thursday (4/26) - OFF + 60-minute walk
I'm not sure what to do about food, as you can tell it has been hit or miss. I'm not sure if I'll keep this section, or just share more on my IG feed and stories? It's so all over the map right now, and sometimes, most times, I'm like must eat NOW. No time to take a photo, pass go, or collect 200 dollars you feel me? It's either that or nausea town, which is getting better but not completely resolved.
So for today, I'm leaving you with a picture of the Burger King I ate last weekend. True story, I broke down and cried in the car because I was so hungry and couldn't figure out what to eat. Mr. Hungry took the wheel and drove me to burger king. I haven't eaten fast food other than In and Out in YEARS. I ordered fries, and Mr. Hungry ordered a Whopper Jr., I had ten fries and just about all of his whopper junior. God bless him, the man is a saint. And that pretty much sums up pregnancy food for me so far! Bring on the second-trimester salads (as soon as the E. Coli AZ outbreak is under control, insert eye roll.) Pregnancy so far is very glamorous...
So I kind of figured my skin tone corrector moisturizer wasn't the best choice. Pregnancy skin care is an entirely foreign land to me; I don't know what ANY of the ingredients mean. Other than parabens and Vitamin A, I don't know what is terrible. I used an acne face wash the whole first trimester (less than 2% salic acid), but now I'm freaked out about that. My OBGYN just said natural stuff, but wasn't thrilled about my use of coconut oil, so confusing! Anyway, here is the latest moisturizer I'm trying out because my skin seems to be SUPER dry!
Because I sleep so much my work time is insufficient, so although I'm reading a ton of blogs (when I go to the bathroom, while waiting for my tummy to settle, in line at places) I'm not necessarily saving my favorite posts. But here are some I managed to keep!
I added all this stuff to my Amazon Baby Registry!
The healthiest single serve brownie ever!
Gilbert's Syndrome and 10 Natural Ways to Boost Liver Health (okay I thought this was interesting because Mr. Hungry has this, it was good to learn about it in case baby hungry gets it!)
Articles I wrote on the Just A Pinch Blog last month:
Friday Flashbacks
This recipe is already picking up steam in time for Cinco De Mayo; it's one of my favorite and most popular recipes!
Plus, Mexican food is my favorite food ever. So I have this massive round up for you to check out as well!
30 + Healthy Cinco De Mayo Recipes
[…] Exercise: See Friday Fitness #62 […]