Hello friends! Short post today. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to shoot a few recipes I've been brewing! This morning has been a full one already, I cooked three packages of bacon, cleaned up the house (sort of), walked the dog, and now I'm starting this post!
So, we're just gonna get after it today because I feel like I've been doing nothing but play a fun game called I'll never catch up, all week! Ha ha so short post today....
WTE? Meal Plan
First of all, for meal plan subscribers, it's in your inbox!
Chipotle - every Tuesday
I've started a little pregnancy Tuesday tradition! After I'm done teaching on Tuesday, I mobile order chipotle to pick up on my way home! Fun story: I did this when I was pregnant with KJ (but not KK because #pandemicpregnancy). My bowls are a lot different than they are nonpregnancy, though! I've been into steak, pinto beans (light), cheese (light), lettuce extra, mild salsa, and then sides of guac, sour cream, and hot sauce. I like to control the amount of those three because I feel like it never goes right when they do it haha
Zero Proof
Disregard messy a** kitchen. Sometimes I feel like if I waited to take pictures of things till the house was clean, even in the little square behind it, it just wouldn't happen. Anyway, my good friend sent me this bottle of Ritual zero-proof tequila; for a good reason, it is DELICIOUS! To be fair, I've never really been one to make mocktails or seek non-alcoholic alternatives in pregnancy because I felt it wasn't "worth the calories" without the buzz. So, I have nothing to compare it to. I've never tried any other kind. But when I smelled it, I knew I had to make a drink! All I had was orange juice, so I mixed it with orange juice, lime juice, and mango fizzy water. I can't tell you how freaking delicious it was and how much I enjoyed that drink! Like really enjoyed the taste and everything, even without the buzz!
For those of you wondering, I did some searching/research. It appears some brands of nonalcoholic substitutes still contain small amounts of alcohol, up to 1.5%. There is no set level of safe alcohol in pregnancy, but it's interesting because some foods contain up to .5-1% alcohol. Zero proof says on its website that a banana contains more alcohol than its products do.
Here is an excerpt:
"And there’s absolutely no alcohol?
Unlike many NA products, we are not an "alcohol-removed" spirit. Ritual is crafted from the ground up, like cooking a great meal, so it never has proof, to begin with. Of course, scientifically speaking, alcohol occurs naturally in trace amounts in many foods and beverages. Fun fact: bananas have more alcohol in them than Ritual Zero Proof."
My other concern is what are the "botanicals" because not all botanicals are safe for pregnancy; in fact, most aren't. But, in this case, it seems like that is just for flavoring, so not a problem. (Nutrition fact label here.) So, my plan is to enjoy this wonderful gift from my friend when I feel like I'm "missing out" this holiday season. I'll enjoy it occasionally but not every night or weekend (although it's good enough, I could.) But Ritual zero proof, of all brands, seems to be a really reputable company. Like deli meat, soft cheese, and runny egg yolk, we all have to assess our comfort with risk levels. I'll be honest. I'm a pretty risk-averse person, ha ha So I'll likely save it for the occasional time, not just any old night. But I think it will be fun to have! I can't WAIT to try it in a margarita. Those are my favorite!
Not my best week, lol But, ya know, there was some walking while on the beach!
- Friday - out of town
- Saturday - out of town
- Sunday - out of town
- Monday - walked nala 40 minutes
- Tuesday - off
- Wednesday - lower body aaptiv workout
- Thursday - off
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