Hello friends! I'm now in the stage of pregnancy where nothing fits comfortably but dresses. Luckily I've built up a stash that should get me through the next 7-8 weeks. We're heading into spring break this week, which means no morning rushes to school, which I'm looking forward to. I've had to strap KK in the stroller recently because I can't keep up with him running all over the place while we walk to the preschool classroom. Quite literally out of breath by the time we got back to the car, haha, so I started strapping him in the stroller, which he, of course, isn't thrilled about.
Luckily the weather is GORGEOUS outside, so at least I'm not sweaty, just out of breath, haha. We don't have any special plans for spring break. Just hanging around here and enjoying the slower pace of not having to do pick-up and drop-off! If you have somewhere fun with a beach on your radar, I'm definitely jealous and wish you a fun time!
WTE? Meal Plan
The WTE? Meal Plan went out a little late this morning but should be in your inbox now!
Around the Blog:
Two new posts went up this week:
GI MAP Training (Stool Analysis) - Rupa Health
So this is the third training I've done with Rupa Health. I did training on the DUTCH Test, Cyrex System, and now the GI MAP. I've been practicing as a functional and integrative dietitian for a long time, almost my whole career. But recently, I felt I could do more to personalize protocols for my clients beyond "standard protocols" and food sensitivity testing just to have a more precise roadmap to improving their health, symptoms, and weight loss results (if that's a goal.) As I incorporate these tests more and more for my clients, the better and better results, I get. It's been very powerful, and I'm so excited I invested the money in each one of these trainings.
I've been planning on starting the IFM track (Integrative Functional Medicine certification) in my next Dietitian recert cycle in 2024 for a while now, but these highly focused pieces of training allow me to utilize functional tests to the fullest of their capability without me having to research my way through them. I've got all the research at my fingertips, fast, which is so helpful and worth every dime.
After reviewing the GI MAP results of Mr. Hungry, I honestly believe that this test can be one of the most powerful tools in preventative medicine to keep the GI tract healthy in the long term. I'll likely run one on him every 1-2 years going forward. The overall summary of his test was a wiped-out beneficial microbiome (probably from a brutal winter of antibiotics), increased intestinal inflammation, high beta-glucuronidase levels (associated with colon, breast, and prostate cancer risk), and very high gluten-antibodies in the stool (which prompted me to run a follow up an in-depth wheat panel from Cyrex, still waiting on those result.) Mr. Hungry has very mild IBS nowadays; he's almost asymptomatic, so we would have never guessed that he had so much room for improvement if we hadn't run this test. Given his IBS/inflammation in the colon history (via colonoscopy in 2015) and family history of hormone-dependent cancers, monitoring beta-glucosidase levels in the future could be a very powerful preventative health measure for him.
Stool analysis has pros and cons, but I'm excited to utilize this tool more with my clients going forward. I've finished the training, so I have a few clients slated to do the test, but if you are interested in having this test done before I leave for maternity leave, shoot me an email kelli(at)hungryhobby(dot)net. Or reach out to your functional integrative provider to see if they think it's worthwhile for you.
Yuphais Thai Kitchen
After my favorite Thai Food place closed, Thailicious, I've been hunting for a great location. After trying some places I did not enjoy, I'm happy to report I loved my drunken noodles from Yuphais Thai Kitchen!
Local Fish Fry
During lent, local churches in the area do Fish Frys. I picked up meals for the entire family from our parish last week, and it was on fire! Simple and delicious!
FIL's Biscuits and Gravy
For those of you who have been following for a while, my FIL makes the BEST biscuits and gravy EVER. I never liked biscuits and gravy until I tasted his, and I find most restaurant dishes lackluster compared to his. Last week he made us the ultimate feast, which preggo greatly appreciated! I'll watch him make it someday so I can share the recipe with y'all.
Bringing Girlie Stuff In The House
The boys have noticed that baby Nora has different clothes and accessories coming into the house than they have. And I would say they aren't wasting even a second playing with her stuff before she's even born. I think KJ rocks the headband well.
Fitness is the same slow and steady, 2-3 walks a week and 2-3 workouts weekly. I feel better in my workouts than I have in a long time unless I have to do something on the ground. Then I'm annoyed and feel like a wet fish flopping around, haha.
Carrot Cake Quinoa Muffins with Frosting
Vegan Bursting Blueberry Oatmeal Bake
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