Hi, friends!
This has been one heck of a week. I'll tell you that!
For those of you who missed my IG stories, after attending orientation at the preschool we had KJ signed up for, we decided it was not the best place for him this year. There were a number of factors that went into our decision, and while "it's just preschool," it's still a part of KJ's growth and development. As a work-from-home mom, I don't usually have time to plan a bunch of learning-focused activities for the kids to do during the day with the sitters, and on my off days, I'm trying to get a lot of housework done. The sitters don't pre-plan activities or have early education degrees or curriculum, so that's why we invest in preschool for KJ.
But, as previously mentioned, we didn't feel the place we had chosen was the right place for KJ this year. And Mr. Hungry and I were unanimous on that feeling so we knew we had to listen to our gut feeling and pull him. So this week was filled with a lot of pivoting to try and get him in somewhere last minute. We tried to get him back into his old preschool (we loved the program, but we wanted a religious component incorporated), but they were completely full. But, I do believe it was "meant to be" or "divinely inspired" because Mr. Hungry and I are so happy where he ended up and so grateful that everything worked out! (Side note: if anyone wants to buy a Dennis Uniform credit on discount, let me know!) But between that fiasco and the sitter being out a couple of days this week from a kidney infection, I struggled to get work done.
I'm not sure if I'll ever come to accept that I blog less than I used to. I used to post five days a week, twice a day, but that's when blogging was more like Instagram Stories is now. And, before kids, haha, I'm grateful for this flexible space where I can share my passion for healthy cooking, and I do have an Air Fryer Chicken Thigh recipe coming to you soon! In the mean, check out whats new on Youtube below!
Meal Plan Subscribers, your meal plan is in your inbox!
New On Youtube
Odyssey Aquarium
Took the kids to the aquarium for a "before back to school" trip and because Mr. Hungry was playing in a basketball tournament most of Saturday morning. This was the first time we went since KK started really walking, and I have to say it was much more fun than having a wiggly baby try to crawl all over the ground! ha ha
Salad and Go
I can't believe this weekend was the first time I got Salad and Go, ever! Mr. Hungry has been frequenting Salad and Go for years and raving about them, but I never ended up there. I'm happy to say that it did not disappoint! I got the fiesta chicken salad, and it hit the spot for an easy weekend lunch!
Fitness this week happened, but no photographic evidence occurred, haha.
Friday (7/29) - upper body workout
Saturday (7/30) - full body workout
Sunday (7/31) - off
Monday (8/1) - 18-minute sprint workout
Tuesday (8/2) - off (unplanned so much to do with the preschool's stuff)
Wednesday (8/3) - Upper Body Workout but my neck was bothering me
Thursday (8/4) - off
Friday Flashbacks
10 Healthy REcipes I Make Again and Again
Paige Westley says
Sounds like quite the turn tables but it also sounds like it was for the best! Super excited for what is to come for your little one!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
It ABSOLUTELY was for the best! We went to his new preschool this last week, and we LOVED it.