Guess what?!?!
We finally move into our new home in seven days! I'm so freaking excited, but also, after so long of a wait, it doesn't seem real! We get our keys on Monday, and the movers come on Friday! I know the next couple of weeks will be a little chaotic as we settle in and attempt to unpack while our kids move things around the house. I see a lot of nighttime unpacking in our future, but either way, we will finally settle into our new home, and I'm so excited! I'll be sure to share along the way on IG stories 🙂
In the meantime, we will be hanging out by the pool all day, every day, just like we did last weekend! KJ is a little timid around the water, so I've been working with him before his ISR refresher starts in June. He will do a one-week refresher, and the baby will go through the whole program. After KJ's refresher, I think I may put him in regular swim lessons, potentially year-round, to keep him comfortable with his skills. Towards the end of ISR, he was able to jump off the diving board and swim to the side without any help from the instructor, but over the months after he finished lessons, he wouldn't do it. Does anyone have experience putting their ISR-trained kids into regular swim lessons? Let me know if you do and have any tips!
Meal Plan Subscribers, your meal plan is in your inbox!
Around the Blog This Week:
Roasted Chile Lime Chicken Breast - Costco
I have got to add this chicken to my Costco Favorites Shopping List! How have I never tried it before? It's marinated for you in all real food ingredients, and all you have to do is throw it on the grill, or I put mine in the air fryer! So delicious, I highly recommend it!
Burts Bees Celebration PJ's - 4th of July
If you know me, you know I'm a sucker for "4th of July" themed things. I especially love to dress my kids in "Americana gear." My love is somewhat patriotic, but also, the 4th of July is very close to my birthday and smack dab in the middle of summer. I can't think of a time when I have happier memories than every year in July. Anyways, so when I saw Burt's Bees had a celebration PJ line, I loaded the boys off when they were 40% off! (They run sales on the time if you subscribe to their email list!) KJ is super into octanauts, so he loved this octopus set the most of all the sets I purchased.
Maamgic Boys Swim Trunks - Amazon
Another blogger I follow has been recommending these swim trunks on Amazon for her kids for years, so I finally got a pair for KJ. She was right. They are great, mainly because they are a reasonable length, not to his knees. They hit mid-thigh, perfect for active little swimmers. And don't worry, they come in more colors and patterns than Americana, but you know if I have the option, that's what I got.
Friday (5/14) - Upperbody Workout
Saturday (5/15) - 3-mile run
Sunday (5/16) - Aaptiv Summer Bootcamp Workout
Monday (5/17) - OFF
Tuesday (5/18)- Aaptiv Summer Bootcamp Workout
Wednesday (5/19) - 2-mile walk and off
Thursday (5/20) - 2-mile walk and upper body workout
Set 1 x 3
- Bowflex Pull Downs #55
- Lat Raise To Front Raise x 12 #24
Set 2 x 3
- Bicep 21s (#40, #30, #24)
- Seated Rows (single, single, double) #40
- Tricep Kickbacks (#24) x 12
Friday Flashback
Sweet and Spicy Air Fryer Wings
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