Happy Friday, Friends! In case you missed it, I shared a BIG announcement this week!
This week went by super fast! KJ and I are going to speech therapy twice a week now. Down the road, I am planning on doing a full post about the experience of having a late talker and going to speech therapy, but I figured I'd give a little update here. KJ tested just a couple of months behind for RECEPTIVE language and in the 9-12 month range for EXPRESSIVE language (he's two.) As mentioned in previous posts, he interacts well with people, loves to engage with others, has great eye contact, follows directions well, etc.
So at this time, our pediatrician is not concerned with anything other than an expressive speech delay. If his language does not improve in the next 3-6 months, we may take him for further evaluation, but at this time, we will pursue speech therapy. I've also mentioned Mr. Hungry was a late talker and had speech therapy at well, which puts my mind at ease.
I also bought a course from the Speech Sisters, which already has been incredibly valuable at home. I think between the course I watched and what he's learning at speech therapy, he will make fast progress! Yes, they have mentioned some of the things at speech therapy that I learned in the course, but I feel like the course lays it out so much better than the 3-5 minutes the speech therapist has to explain "homework." I was really impressed with the course's layout and how easy (and not stressful) their videos demonstrated new ways to interact to help improve speech. I watched the sample video and loved it, bought it, and have been so happy with it. Today, KJ even strung two words together, not independently, but still an improvement for sure!
So that's what's new in our lives, how about you? What are your travel plans or holiday plans? We will just be having my mom and us. ! We're ordering from cracker barrel, but I'm making my own stuffing!
Speaking of Thanksgiving, here are some posts you might be interested in:
- 6 Leftover Turkey Recipes
- Full Thanksgiving Menu Minus the Bird (healthy and gluten-free recipes)
- My Favorite Healthy Thanksgiving Sides
- Healthy Thanksgiving Desserts
Mr. Hungry really wanted to put up decorations this week, and I refused to take down the fall decoration until after Thanksgiving. And here we are...
New On YouTube:
For those of you that follow along with the YT channel (thank you!), here is my latest video! (Actual comments from my mom: OMG, did you wear your hair like that? .... Yes, yes, I did.)
Sedona Trip Recap
If you follow in Insta, you saw we took an early babymoon/vacay last weekend to Sedona to celebrate our 7th anniversary. I hadn't been there since Mr. Hungry almost killed himself proposing to me, so we thought it would be a fun, easy trip with nice weather, and we were right!
We started on the West Fork trail, which was nice because the North-side of the mountain had some snow left on it!
The trail was packed with people, so I kept taking my mask and putting it on and off, on and off. Eventually, the rest of the time we were in Sedona, I decided it was easier to wear the mask most of the time. Friday night, we ordered out from The Golden Goose Grill, which by far was our favorite meal.
The next day we went to many places, including the Chapel on the Hill and Slide Rock!
Saturday's breakfast was not my favorite, but lunch was great! We ordered Outlaw Grille, and it was Mr. Hungry's favorite meal!
We took a long nap (#tiredparentsofatoddler) and then hiked some local trails around the Airbnb we stayed at. I would link the Airbnb because it was super cute, however the insane amount of rules that the host had kept us from feeling at ease. (There were so many I can't even list them here, I think 3 pages in her welcome book.) Therefore, we wouldn't recommend staying there, and so I won't link it. That night we ordered in Mexican Food, but unfortunately, it was a food fail. My spinach enchiladas came without cheese, which was weird and a little gross, but luckily I had plenty of leftovers in the fridge from the Golden Goose! So all was good!
We agreed we had a great time enjoying the weather and hiking. We both wish we could have done more exploring in town, but it was very crowded, and many people weren't wearing masks, so we skipped that. The Red Rock is sooooo cool, but the scenery is a bit of a cross between woodland and Arizona desert. As "Arizona natives" (aka born and raised), we decided next time we would prefer to go up to a more forest area like Prescott, flagstaff, etc. That being said, we did have a fun and relaxing time, so that's a win, especially for our first trip, both away from KJ!
Who was perfectly at home with Goga and Go-pa!
This post is long enough already, so I'll wrap in this week's fitness to next week!
A hard workout, you could update to 11-26-20, but it would be harder! You do 11 reps of the exercises in set 1, then 24 then 16, then move on to the next set, keep going till you get through the whole workout! It's a hard one!
No wall ball? Do squat and press.
No TRX? Do regular jump squats, do bent-over rows, and jump tucks.
Let me know if you try it!
Rene says
Hi Kelli, just wanted to let you know that my oldest son had a speech delay as well. We had him evaluated at 25 months. His comprehension was at a 31 month old and his expressive was at a 7 month old. He is 13 now and does not stop talking. Don’t worry too much. Keep up with the speech therapy for him.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Wow, that's quite a gap (between expressive and receptive), and thank you so much, this is exactly the positive experience I was hoping to hear! Appreciate your comment so so so much!