Hi friends! First thing is first. If you read last week, I made a giant deal about a couch that took 3 seconds to remove from our house. I know you were hanging on the edge of your seat, wondering what happened. I'm hoping my plans to shampoo the carpet in KJ's room will be similar. Then I'll spend the rest of the time on our new previously owned swing.
Oh ya, I know stellar Labor Day plans, right? I'm mostly excited that Mr. Hungry has the next few days off work, and we don't have to spend them redoing our Master Bath! Don't worry. Pictures are coming soon. The shower took longer than expected to install (not by us) but, I'll share soon, maybe next week!
Speaking of next week, I'm thinking I'm going to be pretty light on new posts, so I appreciate your patience, friends. The thing is, I have a BUNCH of backend, behind the scenes, somewhat boring, but has to be done Hungry Hobby work that I can never quite seem to get too. I'm always spinning my wheels trying to get new blog posts up, and by the time I've checked in with my students or finished work related to school (I teach online at the local community college), checked my email and checked in with my clients, and posted a new post, then I've run out of time for the day. (I work at night too, usually editing videos or finishing up whatever else didn't get done.) I realized I'm just never going to get this other stuff I need to do done if something doesn't give.
So, I super duper appreciate your patience next week. If the content is a little light, I promise you it's only going to make Hungry Hobby better! And of course, I hope you have a fun and safe three day weekend. If you are working, then thank you for working! I'll likely be working too to start chipping away at that to-do list I mentioned!
Posts You Might Have Missed This Week
WTE? Meal Plan
Meal plan went out this morning to my WTE? Meal Plan subscribers along with the meal prep and plan guide! Not on the list? Sign up today and I'll send you this meal plan too so you don't miss out and you are prepped and ready for the short week next week!
Eats This Week
- Sourdough Bread
My Aunt brought me over some homemade sourdough bread that is basically gone now, lasted 2.5 seconds. She said shes' got it her own process down now and doesn't knead the bread! I need her to teach me her ways!
- Lentil Spanakopita Burgers - The recipe for these is coming soon, it's part of my special recipe project I was working on over the weekend.
- Egg Roll In A Bowl with Wild Rice
Made some wild rice in the instant pot to go with my egg roll in a bowl recipe!
- Chop Chop Salad
One of my favorite blog recipes of all time is my chop chop salad.
It's on an old recipe, and although it never got much traction on google or Pinterest, it's a family, friends, and clients favorite! PS If you don't eat meat you could easily swap out the protein source for lentils, edamame, or baked tofu!
Favorites - aka all the Labor Day Sales I'm Eyeing
- Carter’s: Labor Day Sale! Take 50% off the entire site + take up to an extra 50% off
- Babo’s Botanicals Labor Day Sale: Get 30% off using promo code Labor30 (We've been using the baby lotion for sensitive skin for KJ and love it!)
- Orgain.com, Get up to 30% off + Free Ship Labor Day Sale (I love their premade protein shakes.)
- Macy's Labor Day Event! Enjoy 25-60% off with promo code WKND (I'm eyeing some clinque makeup refills!)
Beautycounter Products
Speaking of makeup, I tried a few new to me Beauty Counter products! I ordered through my friend Kath, but for a limited time, most of these are available at Sephora! I tried everything I got and love them all so far, and I will definitely be refilling my order.
I don't plan to become a rep any time soon, because beauty products, although I enjoy using them, is just not something I'm passionate about (hello, I don't even wear makeup half the week.) Furthermore, while I feel like clean beauty products are important and I've been incorporating them into my own life more, I want to encourage my readers to spend your dollars on eating well first (healthy eating and fitness first.) And for many people, the cost of beautycounter products and clean beauty overall can be intimidating on top of eating well and the cost of gyms, etc, at least that's the way I felt for a long time. So while I'll probably share some of the recent changes I've made to my own routine in a blog post at some point, I have no plans to become a beauty counter rep any time soon.
That being said, if you are interested, I LOVED all of the stuff I got and will permanently switch from Clinique products for my daily moisturizer.
- SEPHORA: Countermatch Adaptive Moisture Lotion(EWG Certified!)
- SEPHORA: Countermatch Refresh Foaming Cleanser
- Countersun Daily Sheer Defence for Face (Beautycounter website)
- SEPHORA: Dew Skin Tinted Moisturizer Light
Fitness was good this week, if you get a chance to try Tuesday's workout, expect those arms to be sore! Mine were super sore!
Friday (8/28) - Posterior Workout Burn Boot Camp (didn't write it down) - it was basically seven million versions of rows
Saturday (8/29) - Run Workout with Aaptiv
Sunday (8/30) -
Nothing butt core workout from Aaptiv
45 seconds each x 3 rounds
1 Round of random core exercises for 30 seconds each.
Monday (8/31) - OFF
Tuesday (9/1) - Upper Body with Aaptiv
Each exercise was performed for 40 seconds, then 30 seconds, then 20 seconds with increasing weights each round, then move on to the next exercise.
- Renegade Row https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTqlJ0aoJlM
- Close Grip Chest Press or Chest Fly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0nVKVnTbEA
- Low Row https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieh7KUQyr24
- Bicep Curl to Shoulder Press https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdzDTgIR6Q8
- Lateral Raises https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCMF8w7rs70
- Overhead Tricep Extension https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Vyt2QdsR7E
- Lat Pull Over https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhPOEQJRzBU
- Crap Dp to Bicep curl or lying down tricep extension https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkL7ABXO7HQ
Wednesday (9/2) -Bodyweight workout with Aaptiv - to many exercises to write them all down! The whole thing was 20 minutes max.
Thursday (9/3) - OFF
Friday Flashbacks
Edward brown says
These are some great addon, thanks for sharing your journey 🙂