Hello, hello, friends!
I'm a little upset. After living in a state for a certain amount of time, you get used to things. Right when you think you can take no more of the heat, the monsoons hit. It rains and makes it feel almost tropical in Arizona because of the warm weather. I love to lay outside and watch the lightning dance across the sky. It usually makes summer worth it, but alas, we missed out last year, and this year so far, we've hardly got anything. Seems about right for 2020. Will this year ever end?
I'm gonna be honest, friends. With COVID life, I'm never really sure what to say about the upcoming weekend anymore. What am I looking forward to? Well, the same thing as every other weekend, swimming, extra time with the family, a little work (usually photos), and just general hanging out because we don't go anywhere. KJ is too little to convince to wear a mask, nothings open (like the zoo), and it's too hot anyway. What about you and your family? Does the age of your kids impact what you can do right now?
In Case You Missed It Ths Week:
- Fresh Cherry Salad with Chicken and Cherry Balsamic Vinaigrette - Oh, and a ton of information about how cherries can help you sleep better!
- Sunshine Bowls with Olive Oil Herb Dressing and all about the New Dietary Guideline Recommendations for Eggs!
- August Produce Guide - What's in Season in August?
WTE? Meal Plan
This week's WTE? Meal Plan is a good one. For those of you who might be interested in meal prep, I also wanted to share this week's meal prep instructions.
Cherry Chocolate Breakfast Porridge
Creamy Sun-Dried Tomato
Strawberry Almond Protein Smoothie
- Optional Veggie Dinner Prep
Start your breakfast porridge on the stove and heat the water to boil your pasta.
When porridge and pasta are cooking, finish steps to blend sauce for the pasta.
Prep smoothies! Okay, so you have a couple of options here. 1) Prep and freeze smoothies in glass jars, then heat up for 45-60 seconds to defrost and drink. 2) Prep ingredients for smoothies into smoothie packs, so you just throw them into the blender with liquid and blend. 3) Turn the smoothie into a bowl. Swap out the ¼ cup protein powder for dairy or non-dairy greek yogurt and make yogurt bowls instead. Do not blend; just top the yogurt with the ingredients.
- Prep and wash all veggies. You'll need to make dinners this week.
My goal is to help my subscribers get ready for the week as fast and as efficiently as possible, with as many options as possible! Click here to sign up now, cancel any time.
Ginger Root Beer Zevia
I could have this ginger root beer Zevia for dessert every night. It's so delicious!
Ground Turkey From Butcher Box
We got some ground turkey in our Butcher Box last month, and I tried it to make my slow cooker meatballs. I'm so excited to see them continually expanding their offerings! They've grown a ton since I ordered my first box from them back in 2016!
Supercookies Organic Snacks
The nice folks at @mysuperfoods sent KJ some snacks! He loves the chocolate and honey cookies, and I LOVE the granola bites! Clean ingredients and organic, when we run out of snacks, I will buy more!
New on YouTube
Friday Fitness
Friday (7/31) - 5 x 5 x5 - Burn Boot Camp Workout
2-minute plyo circuit
Set 1 2 minutes each
repeat plyo circuit
Set 2 2 minutes each
repeat plyo circuit
Set 3 2 minutes each
- Squat to row - this was a weird move - most of the time I just did squats
- jump rope
repeat plyo circuit
Repeat sets 1-3 without the plyo circuit, 2 minutes each
Saturday (8/1) - Run Day
Sunday (8/2) - Leg Day BBC - I was sore for DAYS!
Leg Day
Glute Bridge Starter
- 60 seconds full
- 45 seconds pulse
- 30 seconds hold
- 45 seconds pulse
- 60 seconds full movement
- 10-minute AMRAMP (as many rounds as possible)
- Squats x 12
- RDL x 12
- Split Squat x 12 each
2. 4 Minutes walking lunges w/ 10 second holds - body weight
3. Same as 1, but with 45 seconds each and half the weight
4. Finisher x 3
- 20 seconds ice skaters
- 20 seconds jump squats
- 20 seconds rest
Monday (8/3) - OFF
Tuesday (8/4) - Strong and Sculpted Workout Aaaptiv Workout
Wednesday (8/5) - Full Force Aaaptiv Workout
Thursday (8/6) - OFF
Friday Flashbacks
Coconut Flour Pancakes (+VIDEO)
Wisdom Policy says
Just what I was seeking for; Thank you!