Hi, friends! How's the weather where you live? It's 117F here. ONE ONE SEVEN So, there is that.
It's so hot, but soon the monsoons will roll in, and for a second, we will all forget why we hate it so much. Well, at least I will, I love monsoon season, so much. It's still hot, but it's overcast, and monsoon rain has this smell to it's that's different than other rain. I wish I could describe it for you, probably smells like sweet relief! Haha, Okay, now I'm going on about rain, so I'll just move along.
Man, what do you guys do on the weekends? I don't know what we will do when the bathroom reno is finally finished. It's so so so close, and I can't wait to share photos when it's all done! This is the last weekend we are doing any work on it, and then it's up to a professional glass installer to finish it up!
Oh, and for those of you who were wondering from last week, KJ loves his "bucket." AKA chlorine floater that I had to special order him. He's thrilled with it. I think he would sleep with it if we let him bring it inside. It hasn't totally removed his obsession with the other one, but drastically cut it down, so I'm good with that. I'll try to snap a photo by next week because it's pretty hilarious. Admittedly, after watching him play with it, I can see why he likes it. (picks it up and it drains the water, throws it down and it bobs around, lids comes on and off, I definitely should have never let him play with it in the first place....insert hand to face emoji)
Okay, that's all I've got for you, happy weekending friends!
WTE? Meal Plan
A new meal plan is live for subscribers! Enjoy friends!
Favorites (around the web):
- So many ah-ha moments - and even one potential life-saving tidbit
- In case you need some chicken inspo
- How to take your SmoothieBox smoothies to the next level
I shared a full date of eats yesterday, but I did want to share we tried a new delicious Gyro place over the weekend! We LOVED it!
Also, taking the time to make eggs and bacon during the week! It doesn't happen very often, but it's so good when it does!
Friday (7/24) - Sweatfrest and Core Aaptiv Workout
Saturday (7/25) - One Speed New Heights Aaptiv Workout - hill workout!
Sunday (7/26)
- Single-Leg Deadlifts
- Goblet Squats
- Calf Raises
- Glute Bridges
- Squat to Calf Raise
- Hamstring Curls
- Step-Ups
Monday (7/27) - OFF
Tuesday (7/28) - Strength Sandwich - upper body workout with Aaptiv
Wednesday (7/29) - Short workout - double trouble Aaptiv
Thursday (7/30) - OFF
Zucchini Lasagna with Italian Chicken Sausage
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