How's life friends? I'm just popping in to share a few updates on life recently, but my intro has to be quick because little man is already awake!
Meal plans are currently on hold until 4/3 for the week of 4/6. Some of my subscribers literally didn't have access to any food, so I decided to put them on hold.
I did publish a post with over 30 recipes on the blog made with shelf-stable ingredients. I also included a list of swaps and substitutions that work if you are out of something. AND If you are an email subscriber, I added an ebook with a ton of healthy meals to make with shelf-stable ingredients.
You can find this ebook in the Library of Resources (the password is at the bottom of every single HH email and in your intro email.) PS lots of vegetarian recipes for my vegetarian friends!
Not on the email list? Click here to sign up and get this download.
Other posts from this week:
Instagram Favorites of the week:
Y'all seem to enjoy my new Quinoa Mac & Cheese video!
And my Grandma's No-Bake Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies!
Both videos are also on my YouTube channel if you don't have Instagram!
What have you been eating in quarantine? I know that some people's situations are much different from mine. In Arizona, we don't have a shelter in place order yet. I figured I'd share what we've been making/eating.
I received a Thrive Market order I made for a chicken box and regular grocery box, so that helped a lot. (PS I placed the order on 3/12 and received it on 3/25, so keep that in mind when ordering. I have another box coming as well from them.)
(Recycled photo)
Then I decided to brave Costco, and yes, I wore a mask. Well, technically, I didn't wear a mask until I was walking around and this lady was hacking up a lung next to me. Then, I put it on. I have asthma (albeit mild), so why not protect myself?
I was able to get a bunch of frozen and fresh veggies that I wasn't able to get when the initial rush hit, so I don't have to go back for probably 2-3 weeks easily! I plan to limit the number of times I need to go to the store (instead of going weekly like I usually do), to practice social distancing. The lines weren't long (although one was forming to get in as I left), and I was in and out within an hour. Can't seem to get out of that place under 300 dollars these days, though. Anyone else?
Leftover stuff on the counter I still need to find room for:
I made a list of everything I have in the freezer, fridge, and pantry plus meal ideas for those items. I don't intend for any of this to go to waste! Plus, I was feeling a little flustered trying to create meals on the fly, so this "idealist" definitely helped!
Meals of the week:
RIP the last sourdough slice. My MIL said she's going to make sourdough starter soon! Let you know how all that goes!
Lots of smoothies for breakfast or lunches! Finishing up the last of the Daily Harvest smoothies and, of course, SmoothieBox!
PS - I sent an email to my email subscribers, but SmoothieBox has 100% been able to keep up with increased demand for their smoothies. They are also offering one time orders outside of their subscription, free shipping for the duration of the national emergency, and 50% of collagen. Use this link and the code HUNGRYHOBBY to get $15 off your first order! Click here for the full review on SmoothieBox.
We ordered Spinatos pizza and wings one night.
We marinated chicken in a sesame ginger marinade. I ate it one night with barbecue sauce plus veggies. Another night I attempted to make an Instant Pot Ramen dish (I used this recipe as a guide) with the chicken, but I had to sub out a lot of ingredients, so it was good, but not great.
And last night, I made a quick dinner of roasted green beans with feta and salmon burgers. Tip, broil the burgers for a couple of minutes after baking to get them crispy on top.
See a lot of green beans? Ya, me too. I'd be okay if I never saw them again in my life, but I'm happy to have some fresh veggies available. Lunches have been leftovers or smoothies! Lots of leftover pizza for lunch this week!
To make sure we make things stretch as far as possible and to be more prepared with the baby, I made him another meal plan! I do this from time to time when I feel overwhelmed by making sure there are nonspicy dairy-free options for him for mealtime, and it helps! Plus, he typically only eats things three days in a row before he starts refusing it, so I need to work with that too!
Recipe links:
- Oat Flour Waffles
- Steel Cut Oatmeal (Individual freezer cups)
- Baby Hummus (recipe coming next week)
- Baby Beef Meatloaf
Friday Fitness
Been loving workouts this week, but I miss Burn Boot Camp. Mainly, I miss the child care situation. It's annoying to have to carve out time for my workout while Mr. Hungry and I both work from home, but of course, we make it work! I ALWAYS feel better after my workout!
I've been rotating between running with Aaptiv, making up my workouts, and Burn Boot Camp Workouts. For Burn Boot Camp workouts I've been doing the national workouts because those are posted at 6 am, my home gym doesn't post their first versions till 9 am.
Friday (3/20) - 3 Mile Run - Consistency Is Key (with Aaptiv)
Saturday (3/21) - Full Body Strength Workout (with Aaptiv)
Sunday (3/22) - Full Body Strength Workout - I modified an Aaptiv workout to hit the muscle groups I didn't hit the day before.
Monday (3/23) - OFF
Tuesday (3/24) - 3 Mile Run with lots of sprints (Do All Diligence Aaptiv Workout)
Wednesday (3/25) - Burn Boot Camp Upper Body Workout (followed the national workout recording)
Thursday (3/26) - OFF
PS did you know that you can find all my workouts from the last six years of blogging pinned by body part/type of workout to my HH Workouts board on Pinterest? I hope it helps inspire you!
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