These Friday posts sometimes take a while to put together, but I love doing them. I love Friday because it's my chance to chat with you guys. I can't believe that it's already Thanksgiving in less than seven days! That's NUTTZO!
My SIL and nephew are in town, and I can't wait to see the cousins "play together." AKA Baby K follows his older cousin around like he does random kids at the park. Speaking of the holidays...
2 to 1 Nap Transition
My goal to transition Baby K to the one nap schedule before the holidays is going well. The little man goes down around 11:30/12 and sleeps 90 minutes to 3 hours. We are having a bit of an issue with him breaking down right before bed, but other than that, he is fine most of the day.
We had a few rough days with the transition, but he seems to be doing good now! He adjusted relatively quickly, unlike my body still trying to deal with the aftermath of weaning. It's been almost a month, and I'm still having weird symptoms. No dizziness anymore, but other fun symptoms. I have enough to tell you to write a whole post, so I'll save my complaints.
Healthy Holiday Cookbook
Do you need recipe inspiration? If you are on the mailing list, my healthier holiday recipes ebook is now live in the Library of Resources. If you aren't signed up yet, you can sign up here to access this awesome ebook!
Meal plan friends, your meal plan is now in your inbox!
I've got a couple of awesome giveaways for you guys today!
One of my favorite Natural Personal & Household cleaner lines has graciously offered to provide the above giveaway basket for one lucky HH Reader! Enter below, and I'll announce the winner on Sunday 🙂
Meal Prep For Weight Loss
FLASH giveaway for MPWL, this one ends Wednesday too, so get on it!
Tuna Melts
I was obsessed with tuna melts this week! Not only are they so easy to make, but they hit the spot on the rainy days we've been having here!
Thurs 11/21 - OFF
Wed 11/20 - Aaptiv Workout Glute Groups & Tight It Up (Legs & Core) - my quads are still SUPER SORE from that
Tues 11/19 -Aaptiv Workout One, Two, Lift
Mon 11/18 - OFF
Sun 11/17 - PaleOMG Insta Workout
Sat 11/16 - 3 mile run with Mr. Hungry, Nala, and the baby!
Fri 11/15 - Aaptiv Workout - Workout the Negatives
I LOVED this workout! Here is how it went down:
- 12-15 heavy reps of one exercise
- 60-second eccentric reps of the next exercise. Eccentric means your working on controlling the way down. For example, on the bicep curls, you are trying to go as slow as possible on the way down. Skull crushers slow on the way up, lateral raises are slow on the way down, and rear delt flies are quiet on the way down. The fewer reps you complete, the better. Not only will you be super sore, but you'll also gain strength faster this way!
- 30-second break then move on to the next set
- repeat 2-3 times
Friday Flashbacks
Pumpkin Pie Bars with Date Caramel
Julie says
Does Baby K eat lunch before going down for a nap at 11:30? My son currently eats lunch around 1pm so I'm trying to work out how his eating schedule will change when he transitions to one nap.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Yes, he does! I know it's kind of weird. I listened to the @littlezsleep podcast and that's what she recommended so that's what I did. At first, it was kind of hard because he was too tired to eat, but now he's doing just fine with it and it's one of his best meals! On one of the really rough days where he didn't eat much, we gave him a bottle before bed as well, but now he just gets lunch and it's going well. We do breakfast around 6, snack around 830, lunch around 11, snack when he wakes up, and then dinner around 430-5. Good luck!
Kyle says
Hi Kelli. What you’re experiencing with Baby K regarding the nap schedule seems normal. My son is currently doing something similar. He goes down between 11 and 1 for about 60-90 min and gets to bed for the night at 7:30. I guess it’s working 🤷♂️ Also I like the circuit you put together. Nice variety of exercises to hit the entire body. I might suggest one more exercise to hit the quads like a squat or something, but other than that, nice programming!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Hi Kyle, thanks for sharing! I actually didn't program the workout, it's from Aaptiv.
Kyle says
Oh ok! Thanks for the clarification. Lol