Hello, friends! I've been a little lighter on the blogging front this week than usual. I had planned a day in the life post, but then our remodel started, and that kind of shot all my plans. I didn't realize they were doing ALL the demo in one day. I mean, I knew, but I didn't think through what that would mean. No sink, no counters, etc... So needless to say, it's been a little crazy over here!
Thankfully though, it's 100% worth it because I'm seriously in love with the changes already! We blew out a wall on our galley kitchen, and it makes a HUGE difference. It just feels so open and cohesive now. I seriously couldn't be happier, and they are still working on it! We also got a custom pantry installed, so now all my food is one place instead of randomly strung out all over the kitchen. I'll definitely be sharing all about the remodel in a dedicated post, so I'll stop there for now.
I'm also headed out of town for FNCE this weekend. So, I'm trying to get myself together to head out the door for that as well!
Meal plan friends, your new meal plan, and meal prep guide is in your inbox!
Mother Nature's Farm In Gilbert
Last weekend we took baby K to a pumpkin patch in Gilbert. In reality, he was a little young to enjoy all the things they had there entirely, but he did love seeing the animals! And of course, he wanted to touch every single one of them!
I can't wait to take him to the zoo and aquarium with my nephew over the holidays. I think he will LOVE seeing the animals there too!
Meal Prep For Weight Loss LAUNCH
baaaaa!!!!! MY BOOK, Meal Prep For Weight Loss, releases for real next week. I'm so excited! It's gotten some awesome positive reviews already, I'm so happy people like it and are finding it helpful!
A couple of my other RD friends were kind enough to review the book, so nice of them! If you are curious about what other RD's have to say about the book, check out their reviews below! Thanks, Kath and Mandy!
Munchkin 360 Stainless Steel Cup
It took Baby K a little bit to get how to work this Munchkin 360 trainer cup works (affiliate link). I had to kind of lift the silicone part to show him he could get water out of it. Eventually, though, he learned how to suck out the water from it. I love that its stainless steel (less plastic and stays cold), and he does a great job with it now!
Carter's Baby/Toddler Sweat Pants
When the weather changed, I ordered a set of sweat pants (affiliate) and a set of long sleeves (affiliate) from Amazon. For weather in AZ, they are the perfect lightweight material. Right now, he wears long sleeves and pants all morning, then switches to a onesie by the afternoon since it's still pretty warm! I'm so jealous of all of you bundled up in your fall and winter gear. I can't wait to experience some cold weather in Philly next week!
Since I'm flying to Philly this week, last week, I decided to get an SI joint injection. I usually take really strong anti-inflammatories when I travel, but I thought I'd try this route this time around to see how it goes.
The injection wasn't that bad, although it did aggravate things, but they settled down quickly. I haven't noticed a difference, but it can take up to a week to work. Also, I don't have that much pain nowadays, so it's hard to tell the difference.
The big indicator is when I'm sitting on those long flights because that's ALWAYS when I have a flare. Anyways, because of the injection, my workout schedule got super weird.
Fri (10/18) - Stroller Run with the babe? I think that's what I did!
Sat(10/19) - OFF
Sun (10/20) - OFF
Mon (10/21) - Upper Body Workout - PS man, I forgot how much better my workouts are when I create them for myself. Ugh, but I'm lazy.
Supersets x 3 rounds each
set 1:
- 10-12 Chest Press (#60)
- 12 Pullovers (#25)
set 2:
- 12 close grip chest press (#40)
- 15 skull crushers (#24)
set 3:
- 10 hammer curls (#40)
- 10 lateral raises (#24)
set 4:
- 20 resistance band pull-downs
- 10 front raises (#24)
- 15 TC Kickbacks (#24)
Tues (10/22) - started doing a quick HIIT circuit, but when I went down for a burpee something happened to my hand. I don't know what, because it's okay now. So I ended up doing a couple of miles steady state-run on the tread.
Wed (10/23) - OFF
Thurs (10/24) - Strength Passages - Aaptiv Workout
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Riann says
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