Happy Friday, friends! Did you see my big announcement on Instagram? More details to come but thanks for all the love there, you guys are the best!
In case you missed the HH breakfast week, you can catch up on recent posts here:
More importantly, though, is a Nala update. She had her surgery on Wednesday and is now at home with a cone on her head running into everything, so I'd say she is recovering well. We are waiting to find out what grade the mast cell tumor was and if it was all resected. If you don't mind sending a few prayers/good vibes her way, I know my gentle giant would appreciate it.
Meal plan friends, your meal plan is now live! Can you say pumpkinlicious? JK I gave meal prep instructions on how to change the pumpkin spice cold brew to a vanilla cold brew in case you can't handle all the pumpkin. I'm only judging a little though...
This week we tried out Sunbasket Meal Delivery Service. I'm not going to say too much about it because I'm planning to post a full review about using this service vs. say something like, oh, I don't know how about WTE? Meal Plans? But, I figured I'd show you guys what kind of meals I got this week.
I'm planning on trying the service for three weeks so I can thoroughly review it, not just try it. I get asked about these services ALL THE TIME for YEARS now, so I figured it was time for me to weigh in on the subject.
Meal 1: Lettuce-wrapped turkey burgers with spicy chraime-spiced carrot salad
Meal 2: Tamarind chicken over rice with bell pepper and egg ribbons --> loved the cashew sauce!
Meal 3: Sole with caramelized onions, potatoes, and sun-dried tomato za'atar.
So far, my initial impression of the service is good, and we loved the food! My favorite meal was the turkey burgers, just because I would have never thought to put together zucchini ribbons on a lettuce wrap like that!
And before the first Sunbasket box came, I made my sweet and spicy shrimp recipe, but with salmon paired with steam in the bag brown rice from Sprouts.
Friday Fitness
I took three days off this week. I'm not 100% happy about that, but it is what it is.
Fri (9/13) - Hook, Line, & Sinker Aaptiv Workout (treadmill and weights workout)
Sat (9/14) - Legs Workout
2 rounds glute activation
3 sets
- 12 sumo squats
- 10 deadlifts
3 sets
- 8 step up to lunge (#40)
- 10 single leg assisted squat
Sun (9/15) - Find Your Reasons Workout (Aaptiv) Modified -->
Set 1 (40/2)
- OH Press
- Plant with Leg Lifts
Set 2 x 3
- Single Arm Presses x 10 each
- Single Arm Rows (#30) x 8
Set 3 x 3 (40/20)
- lat raises to bicep curls
Set 4 x 3 (40/20)
- leg lifts with holo holds
Set 5 x 3 (40, 40, 1 min)
- push-ups
- mountain climbers
Mon (9/16) - OFF
Tues (9/17) - OFF
Wed (9/18) - Speed Demon Aaptiv Workout --> thought I was going to die during that one.
Thurs (9/19) - OFF
Friday Flashback
Turkey and Butternut Squash Chili
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