Good morning and happy Friday friends! I've got one week of teaching down, and it feels great to be back in the classroom. Little man did really good while I was away from him, so that is a huge relief. There is nothing like walking in the door and having someone so excited to see you that they might explode from excitement (other than Nala ha ha).
This weekend we are slowly but surely pulling the pieces together to remodel our kitchen and finally fix our bathroom after it was destroyed from a leak in the wall. We currently have a galley kitchen, which needs to go. We always knew we were going to open it up, but now will Little Man on the move I need more visibility and I need it now!
Other than that, I hope we get some pool time this weekend. It's been a few weeks, and I'm ready to cool off! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Meal Plan Friends, your new plan is in your inbox! These recipes are all exclusive to What to Eat? Meal Plan subscribers. I put the pasta, the shrimp, and chicken on my own meal plan this week! Can't wait to see what you guys make!
I was recently able to add cashews in my diet, and I'm PUMPED about it. Why? Because a lot of really delicious dairy-substitutes are made with cashews and I felt like I was missing out. It turns out I was right!
I tried these two delicious dairy-free items from Trader Joe's this week and fell in love!
This stuff is soooooo goood! I had it on pasta, but I would use it on pizza and for a million other ways to use pesto! So, so, so good!
This cashew dip is also DELICIOUS! I prefer it melted in the microwave for 20-30 seconds!
Over the weekend, we attempted our first breakfast out after church. It was eventful to see the least, but overall little man did great. Breakfast for me isn't the best meal to eat out, though, when you can't have eggs or dairy your left with bacon and potatoes.
We went to Oink Cafe because they have a fun "bacon flight" with different flavors of bacon, so at least my breakfast would be somewhat interesting. Albeit not the healthiest breakfast in the world.
Did y'all like my Meal Prep Monday post? I got some positive feedback on it, so I thought I would do one every other week-ish. Anywho, this chicken salad was from my meal prep!
And Chipotle with the cheese sauce, as mentioned earlier. Not pretty, but oh so delicious.
Another dinner was shrimp with chimichurri sauce and roasted asparagus for dinner another night. I made a double batch of chimichurri (recipe for chimichurri here) a while back and froze half of it. So, all I had to do was pull it out of the freezer and defrost it!
And Banza pasta with leftover asparagus, spinach, and the Trader Joe's Vegan Pesto! I ate mine with Little Mans leftover salmon and Mr. Hungry ate his with Little Mans leftover chicken thighs. #parentlife
Let the 5 am workouts begin! With my new teaching schedule, I can really only workout at 5 am or 7 pm. I chose 5 am every time I got nothing left to give to a workout at 7 pm. Mr. Hungry plays basketball at 5 am some days and lifts at 7 or 8 pm other days. I literally don't know how he does it. I'm way too fried by then to workout. Anyways, the 5 am workouts weren't my favorite, but they weren't as bad as I remember! So that's good!
Friday (8/16) - super sweaty Tabata I made up really fast! haha
40/20 x 5
- crab walk to squat jump
- mountain climbers
- alternating toe touch reach
- lunge to knee drive (20 seconds each side)
- in and out burpee
Saturday (8/17) - Stronger Self Aaptiv Workout
40/20 x 3
- leg lifts
- flutter
- bicycles
60 each second (8-15 reps) x 2 (12 was supposed to be the minimum in a minute - I didn't quite get there.)
- 8 Renegade row push up
- 12 lateral to front raises (#16)
- 10 burpees
- 12 bicep curls to overhead press (#24)
- 60-second plank
My shoulders were ON FIRE after that workout!
Sunday (8/18) - OFF
Monday (8/19) - OFF
Tuesday (8/20) - 3 Miles Less Rest, More Sweat Aaptiv Workout
Wednesday (8/21) - Build Up To Push Up Aaptiv Workout
40/20 x 2 rounds
- incline chest press (#50)
- up/downs
- bicep curls
40/20 x 2 rounds
- chest press (#50)
- incline push up
- tricep dips
40/20 x 1 round
- leg lifts
- 1 touch mountain climbers
- tucks
I loved this circuit, and if I hadn't run out of time, I definitely would have done the abs x 3.
Thursday (8/22) - OFF
Friday Flashbacks
Loaded Peanut Butter and Blueberry Oats
10 Super Easy & Healthy Skillet Meals Made in UNDER 30 MINUTES!
Justin says
Oh my gosh, my mother would love these dairy-free items. We already avidly shop at Trader Joe's!! Such good finds!