Hi, Friends!
Let's have a coffee date, shall we? I know it's been a while since we've had a chat, and you know I love my coffee! If we were having coffee right now, I really hope it looks like this beautiful latte I got the other weekend.
I know I've used that picture about a thousand times, but I still can't get over how amazing that is! I mean, there is a swan in my coffee! Except we would probably both get iced coffee because it's hotter than hot in Phoenix. The monsoon season kicked up again and instead of cooling things off, it added heat and humidity. Oh, I'm sorry did I move to Florida or Houston overnight? It is not a dry heat right now.
When I finished complaining about the weather, I would want to know how life is treating you? How goes the "adulting." Also known as work, parenting, and being a responsible grown up?
My adulting goes well. Our experiment with Nala to get her to stay out at night. 100% failed. I feel like we were almost there and then we just gave up. Any tips for teaching a dog that has been crate trained to stay out of her kennel, by herself, downstairs at night without destroying the house?
I haven't weighed myself in 3 months. It's interesting, in order to stop calorie counting, weighing myself actually gave me peace of mind. In fact, when I stopped calorie counting the scale actually went down and then settled. Recently, the scale started to drive me nuts. I could see improvements in the mirror but not on the scale, likely due to gaining muscle. Since it wasn't reading what I thought it should say (even though I liked how I looked) it started to dictate how I felt about myself that day and that got annoying. So I just stopped. I find my clothes are a great indicator of how I feel, plus I just know when I've been a little too indulgent. All that intuitive eating practice is finally paying off! I'm not saying I'm throwing away my scale, I'll get back on it at some point. Most likely after I've checked my body fat percentage.
Speaking of clothes, I cleaned out my closet. After months of Mr. Hungry asking me to get rid of things he said he hadn't seen me wear since we got married, so I finally did it. It actually felt really good and now I have room to hang the clothes I do actually wear. I even have hangers to hang them on!
You would probably ask how that crazy thing I'm doing called running my own nutrition services and communications business is going? I would tell you that I wake up, every single day a little bit overwhelmed, anxious, and totally jazzed to be alive. I can't wait to jump out of bed and get started to tackle the day. Do I get stressed? Yep. I still have deadlines to meet, bills to pay, and more tasks than time. I'm not sure how to explain it but, the stress just doesn't matter. I feel joy, even within the stress, it's amazing. I appreciate every client, pageview/visitor, every single contract and every interaction. I appreciate the help with admin from my MIL, as well as the finances and housework from Mr. Hungry. I feel it is all truly valuable to me and my time, there is literally no better feeling.
I can't believe I was on TV, twice! And, I have another segment scheduled on Friday! It was so much fun, I can't wait to do more! I got great feedback from my fellow Dietitians and can't wait to implement it.
I finished my first ebook! I loved the way it turned out and would love to hear what ideas you guys have for the next one! Please excuse this interruption for the shameless self-promotion, did you get your copy yet?
I also just became officially a Certified Leap Therapist which means I am providing MRT food sensitivity testing and coaching clients through the LEAP program. Food sensitivity testing totally turned around Mr. Hungry's health (IBS, Migraines, Asthma), so it's a passionate area of my practice I've been missing. (Why I don't recommend elimination diets.) For more information and to find out if you are a good candidate for the test, check out my nutrition services website.
I would absolutely tell you that listening and reading Jack Canfield's book, The Success Principles has been life changing. I saw him speak at Blogfest and I had a few audible credits, so I figured I'd listen while I walked the dog. Best decision I have ever made. Mr. Hungry is reading it along with me, it's amazing. We are both totally drinking the Canfield kool-aid and loving it.
I'm excited about upcoming events this fall/winter including:
- Going to Blog Brulee in Vermont
- Going to Pig Farm Tour in Iowa
- Teaching Nutrition Lab Again
- Training for Tucson Half? Maybe..... It sounds intriguing.....
In the spirit of finishing the year strong, I've decided to harness the energy that fall brings. As things shift, kids go back to school, it get's cooler (haha) I feel like I have two options. Option 1, continue the rat race and say I had a good run at the end of the year. Option 2, harness the energy of fall to accomplish major projects by the end of the year. I pick option 2! Here is what is on my list:
- Turn Healthy Habits Series into an ebook & program
- create an iPhone App
What about you? Any goals for the end of the year, how are you harnessing the power of fall?
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