Hi, friends! Instead of the normal Friday Favorites, I thought I would do a DIL-style post since I know many of you request them, and it's been a hot minute since I've done one. Don't worry, Friday Favorites will be back next week! And speaking of next week, blogging may be a little erratic due to some child care changes. Of course, I'll be on the gram, though (@hungryhobbyRD) so join me there if you can! Enjoy your weekend, friends!
515 AM - I hear KJ on the monitor. He NEVER wakes up this early, so I'm surprised and hoping he will go back to sleep.
6 AM - My alarm goes off, and I press snooze at least three times.
630 AM - I get coffee, half-caff, and finish the air fryer blog post.
647 AM - I Get KJ from his room. I don't think he ever went back to sleep, and we have breakfast together. This morning with both have Van's blueberry waffles with peanut butter, but I add bananas to mine.
730 AM - I get ready for the day and then start putting away dishes until my MIL arrives to watch KJ.
8 AM - My MIL arrives, and I help her get out the door to walk the dog with KJ, who is in a toddler mood.
830 AM - I start filming my oat flour banana cake recipe.
1030 AM - clean up from filming and wash dishes.
11 AM - get KJ lunch - no idea what he ate because I didn't write it down! My pregnancy brain can't remember 2 hours ago, much less 2 days ago!
1130-1145 AM - sit down to start checking email while my MIL feeds KJ his lunch and puts him down for a nap.
1145- 1230 PM - Usually, we are all business when my MIL is here, but since she was going out of town, we spent some time chatting before she left.
1230 PM - 1 PM I decided I was gonna have a daily harvest bowl for lunch. Since the bowls are never very "pretty" after they are done cooking, I wanted to share with you what they look like BEFORE you cook them. A bunch of beautifully meal prepped veggie bowls!
Then I decided that I wanted bacon, so I made some ButcherBox bacon while still tackling my inbox. I ate some cheese and crackers while the bacon cooked up. I don't know why, but I'm obsessed with Triscuit-type crackers this pregnancy. One box doesn't last long around here that's for sure!
My final bowl had bacon and shredded fontina cheese in it, SOOOOOO good!
1-145 PM Finish working my way through email and responding to my students' messages on Canvas.
145-215 PM I take the last final shots of the banana cake to finish filming the video!
2 15 PM Get KJ up from his nap and get him a piece of banana cake to eat with the sitter.
230-330 PM I eat half a piece of cake and grade some assignments for both the lab and lecture classes I'm teaching this semester.
330-430 PM Begin working on air fryer quesadilla recipe blog post.
430 PM I muster up the energy to jump on the treadmill for an Aaptiv Week 31 cardio workout. The workout was speed walking intervals which didn't feel so great on my pelvis, so instead of speed walking, I did incline. It also had some strength mixed in between the walking. It actually felt really good, and I'm glad I made time for it, even though I really didn't want to!
5 PM The sitter leaves, and I start dinner while KJ gets his TV time for the day. Today I made my egg roll in the bowl recipe with precooked brown rice (that I meal prepped in the freezer) and ButcherBox ground pork.
540 PM Mr. Hungry is getting a haircut, so just KJ and I eat dinner. We typically eat dinner pretty early in our house nowadays, and it seems to work for us. I'm pregnant, so I'm ready to eat by 530 ish. Mr. Hungry usually comes home pretty hungry from work, and well, most toddlers are ready to eat by 530, so it works for us right now! I'm sure someday we will be back on a normal 6/630 or later schedule, but this works for us for now!
Between 6-8 PM is always a blur in our house. It's a mix of cleaning up after dinner, playtime, bath time, and all the bedtime routine stuff. KJ's bedtime is usually 730PM, but this night he didn't go down till around 745PM or maybe even closer to 8 PM.
By the time KJ went down, I was ready for a quick shower to regroup before I needed to sit down at my computer to finish my air fryer quesadilla blog post while enjoying the other half of my piece of banana cake. I worked from about 8:30 - 10 PM, got ready for bed, turned on my hypnobabies track, and went to bed! That's it!
Life is definitely different and a little more chaotic than when I was 7 months pregnant with KJ.
One of the most challenging things for me, while simultaneously being the thing I'm most grateful for, is the constant switching back and forth between mom mode and work mode. That always feels a bit stressful to me, but I'm also so grateful to have the opportunity to be there to give KJ another kiss before nap, or comfort him when he wakes up, etc. So, I wouldn't change the chaos for a second!
Thanks for stopping by today. It's fun to be able to record these little snapshots in time to remember! This weekend more house stuff, more nesting, and a little working, the usual. What about you?
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