Dear Baby K
DOUBLE DIGITS! Who dis boy?
You aren't super smiley because you have been working hard for those two front teeth. It looks like one of them finally cut through so hopefully, you will start feeling a bit better. Poor baby, I fed you a banana and then prunes for dinner. Like anyone, you just want ALLTHECARBS when you don't feel good.
Aside from teeth, the big news?!?! You learned to crawl!
At first, you were still a little timid, staying close to Mommy. Now you crawl everywhere and anywhere! You love to crawl after balls, rings, Missy, Nala, and toy cars. You toss whatever you are playing with, go get it, and do it again now only if I could teach Nala to do that!
Missy and you are still best buds, and it's just about the cutest thing ever. Missy likes to sleep in your room while your napping, it's adorable. As you get more mobile, we are working hard at teaching you and Nala boundaries. Now that you throw more food on the ground for Nala I think she is coming around to the idea of not being my "youngest child" anymore.
We are still nursing four times a day, wake up, after naps, and before bed. Although lately, that routine has been changing. Sometimes I nurse you before your nap, and you do okay with that too.
Mommy is still avoiding eggs and dairy, but recently we gave you eggs baked in whole wheat muffins and you did well with them! That means Mommy can have eggs baked in products, I hear an RX bar calling my name! When you are feeling good you are a really great eater and I'm thankful for that!
You'll eat just about anything I put in front of you, but some of your favorites are:
- Baby muffins
- Bananas
- Peaches
- Pears
- Prunes
- Apples
- Blueberries
- Baby mini meatloaves
- Salmon
- Chicken Thighs
- Carrots
- Sweet Potato
- Puffs
- Rice crackers
- Anything in a pouch
Things you don't love are:
- Green Beans
- Cod
- Green Peas
- Strawberries
- Avocados
This month you learned how to put your own arm through the armhole when I dress you and it still catches my attention every time you do it. It's just one more reminder how much you've grown and how you won't be little forever. You've started pulling yourself up onto things more consistently now and cruising furniture so I'm sure you will be walking in no time!
Things you love:
- activity center
- toss and crawl game
- peekaboo
- mommy holding you
- horsey game
- stroller rides
- chasing Nala and Missy
- swim in the pool
- bathtime
- books
- wubbanubs & nookums
- reading books that rhyme (How Many Trucks Can A Toy Truck Toy, Huggy Kissy, If I Could Keep You Little, Goodnight Moon)
- snuggling with Momma
Things you dislike:
- Getting cleaned up after eating
- Bouncer
- The playpen
- Reading books that don't rhyme
I can't believe only two months to go until you are one year old! Mommy loves you Baby K!
Dear Baby K Posts:
[…] Dear Baby K — 10 Months […]