Hi Friends! Happy Labor Day Weekend! Today I've got a short post for you with a quick workout perfect for a pool day like today! I did this workout on Friday of this weekend when my shin splints started to become a problem. I think I have made it pretty clear in the past that I don't totally dig swimming. I mean I always feel good after, but I have a hard time pushing myself in the water. So on Friday I decided to try to bust my boredom with swimming! I used to do this workout with one of my best friends in the summers. Well actually she would lap me like a million times and finish ahead of me because she was an amazing swimmer. She even went on to swim at a D1 school, I went on to get a lifeguarding job at the rec pool.
Like I said I usually have a hard time pushing myself, and then just sit at the wall when I need a break. This workout was awesome because I was able to throw in some sprints followed by recovery, but instead of doing nothing... I was doing abs. Yes, I jumped out of the pool and did the abs on the deck. Yes, I was somewhat embarrassed and self conscious but I figured "Hey, I'm working on my abs and those looking at me aren't!" It took me about 50 minutes total, not sure what kind of time that is because the only people I ever had to compare to were actual competitive swimmers. I felt like I got a really good workout compared to a normal swim and felt great afterwards! So that's what counts! Have a good one 🙂
*Disclaimer- I am not a personal trainer and I don't have any fitness certifications. This workout and all workouts on Hungry Hobby are my personal workouts. Always listen to your own body and follow the advice of a personal trainer and/or medical professional when exercising.
[…] a doctor’s appointment (yep so four day weekend over here)! I started the day off with the Boredom Busting Swim Workout I posted yesterday and a Vanilla Greek Yogurt. Followed by new favorite delicious omelet […]