Happy Friday Friends! Hopefully I will pass my "test out" and be able to start seeing clients now at my new job today! Picture taken at home because there is no way I'm taking a picture of myself at the gym yet. #awkward
In the mean time I felt so disconnected from blogging this week, I miss you guys! I'm hoping I'll get into a better rhythm soon. Even now this post is set to autopost so that I can get a workout in before I start my day. Usually my shift will be a bit later so that won't be a big deal but this week it's been a little crazy. Let me tell you though, I LOVE IT, I'm definitely in the right place so that's good! Let me back track though to yesterday real fast. It started with frantically studying for a morning quiz on a variety of random things and trying to type up yesterday's blog post. I drank inhaled a giant pumpkin protein green smoothie on the way to work.
I also reused yesterday's coffee cup I got at the cafe to bring with me, but I didn't anticipate all the school traffic at 745am so it looked like I just stopped for coffee when I came in late. Whoops. After a morning long training session it was time for another lunch meeting where I ate my same Mahi Burger Salad with goat cheese.
And hummus and carrots.
I tried to save these amazing Nature Box Sirracha Cashews until an evening snack but they were gone by 2pm. They were seriously deliciously spicy and sweet, so good!
After going through my first mock nutrition consultation I headed home to change before my first acupuncture appointment. I was feeling snacky still and snacked on some sweet potato crisps.
I also made this Dandy Blend Iced Coffee with ⅓ scoop of chocolate protein powder and unsweetened vanilla almond milk which was a quite tasty natural energy filled snack.
My acupuncture appointment was very interesting. At first I was a little P-O-ed that I had to wait 30 minutes for the appointment, but they ended up comping me the session and apologizing so many times I felt bad for being cranky. The acupuncturist is also a chiropractor so she knows a lot about my angry piriformis. I didn't feel any of the needles AT ALL even in my really bruised areas from having ASTYM at Physical Therapy. (Oh ya that's been fun I'll be sure to do a post about that soon, think what a plastic foam roller would feel like and you've got it ASTYM) The only one I slightly felt was the one in the calf, she said that one was related to immunity and the body's energy fighting viruses and bacteria. Makes sense to me since I've been spending all my time in a gym which is a total environment change. Anyways, after I got home I was HUNGRY so I made an egg sandwich for dinner!
And for dessert I sampled a Zing Bar sample the company sent me to try. It was pretty good but not quite dessert enough for me, so it warranted a chocolate Hershey's kiss too!
Fitness Friday
I have no idea what happened between the 1st and the 6th it's been a crazy month so far only getting crazier!
11/6- Thursday- Prolotherapy
11/7-11/14- light walking and strength to recovery from prolotherapy
11/15- Saturday- hiking on our anniversary
11/16- Sun- OFF
11/17- Mon- upper body and core stability work in AM, Physical Therapy in PM
11/18- Tues- ½ mile run warm up, upper body and core stability work, 500 meter swim
11/19- Wed- Two Miles on the Treadmill in AM, Physical Therapy in PM
11/20- Thurs- OFF
11/21- Fri Plan is to do more upper body and core focused work
I hope you have a fantastic weekend, thanks for hanging in there with me during this crazy week! I know it sounds weird but blogging keeps me saine. Gives me a little outlet and a rhythm to my day!
Chat with me!
What are you most excited for this weekend?
If at all possible, sleep is what I am most excited for! Lame I know but learning and being in a new environment really takes a lot out of you! So do 5am workouts, but hey it's better than when I used to wake up at 4 right? Right.
How did you feel the first week you started your job?
Have you ever had acupuncture before? What was your experience?
Alyssa says
so glad you are loving the new job!!! I can't wait to hear more about it and what you had to do for training. 🙂
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thanks girl!