Hi, friends! Quick morning over here, it's the first day back teaching which means I have a new group of students to go meet! This week I've been finishing off some Pumpkin Bread made from sunflower butter for breakfast.
I know I know, I haven't gotten around to catching a non-styled real life photo of it just yet. I'll try to do that before Friday. Man o man, I am sure getting sick of seed cycling. I actually messaged a friend about it and she pointed out that maybe that's my bodies way of telling me I don't really need to do it anymore?
I don't know, really I think I just want to eat peanut butter all day every day. I actually had to cut myself off and stick in the freezer, which is what I do with all things I feel like I'm too addicted too, mostly sweets.
That way they aren't gone, but they aren't totally accessible either. #lifehack #sweettoothhack PB had to go in there because I kept dipping my finger in there over and over meanwhile neglecting my seeds. Maybe my friend is right but I'm gonna stick it out this cycle at least though!
You know who else is right? Mr. Hungry's Grandma!
As you guys know Mr. Hungry's Grandma stayed with us for about a week while she recovered from the flu.
What you might not know is that Mr. Hungry's Grandma is not only almost 90 but also one of the healthiest, most mobile 89-year-olds I've ever met.
While she was here I started writing down a few of her whims of wisdom that really resonated with me. Who knows maybe these are the secrets to a long healthy life?
"Drink a Glass of Water in the Morning"
"Eat Spicy Food & A Lot of Hot Sauce It's Anti-Inflammatory"
"You've Got to Stay Active Hunny" - Yep, she still drives!
"Drink Apple Cider Vinegar"
"Not Everyone Can Fit Into the Box They Want You To Be In"
In addition to these little nuggets of wisdom, I loved her attitude toward food. She would ask me questions like "what do egg whites do, do they give you good energy?" This was after I made my Healthy Breakfast Quesadilla. I kind of explained the protein thing, but to her food was about energy. Everything she chose to ate she did to get potassium or to get energy. What if we all ate like that? She was truly an intuitive eating example at it's finest!
What is the wisest thing you ever learned from your grandparent?
My Grandma taught me a few things like how to make boxed stuffing in the sink and pass it off as a secret family recipe (true story.) Also, how to fry EVERYTHING, especially until it was good and black. Plus, how to make the most addicting dessert in the world. While those little nuggets of wisdom stay with me, the one thing she used to say that I repeat to myself when times get tough is "this too shall pass." I don't know why but it immediately comforts me to know that the bad times do always pass.
Have good day friends! I'll be back tomorrow with a knock your socks off SUPER EASY recipe!
Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious says
I love your Grandma!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
ha ha "firefighter dietitian" is that what it was?
Emily @ Pizza @ Pull-Ups says
Grandmas are the best! Also, I have had peanut butter with both breakfast and lunch today. #peanutbutterislife
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says