How was your weekend? Mine literally felt like it FLEW by, it was like I blinked and it was Sunday morning already.
On Friday, Mr. Hungry and I went out for date night/celebrating his raise. My straightner broke (whomp whomp) so I curled my hair for the first time in I don't know how long, I kind of liked how it turned out!
I tried to get dressed up in a cute little dress, but really I just wanted to wear shorts. I mean business clothes all week.. yuck... so I tried to make my shorts look as chic as possible. I dressed them up with a cute top and wedges, I think it worked but I'm usually pretty behind on the latest fashion trends so I don't know!
On Saturday, while Mr. Hungry was golfing, I surprisingly went to a HOT yoga class in the morning and even more surprisingly, I LOVED it. Last week I had a weird throbbing knee issue which my Physical Therapist totally freaked me out about, so I ended up taking Wednesday, Thursday AND Friday off. I thought HOT yoga would be a perfect way to ease back into things. I ended up signing up for their promotional offer of unlimited 30 days of classes for $30 dollars, so here is to hoping I make it a regular thing! I spent the rest of the day grocery shopping, catching up on some work, and running errands with Mr. Hungry. Oh and giving some extra love to this little crazy kitty..
Um... so she has been pooping on the carpet NEXT to her litter box recently. She does this about 3 to 4 days after it's been cleaned. I know I know we should be cleaning it every other day, BUT, in grad school I'd go like a week without cleaning it and she never pooped outside of it. My SIL said she is probably mad about something or feeling stressed or lonely. Mr. Hungry thinks he may have overfilled the box but I'm not sure if that's what is wrong. Either way we've been trying to give her a little extra love and attention, so hopefully she won't feel the need to poop on the carpet. #catmom
I kicked off yesterday morning with a "test" run, which was supposed to be 3 miles but turned into 4.
I think the knee issue may have been related to me trying to switch back to my stability shoes for our longer run last weekend. It may be time to finally say goodbye to my beloved Brooks Adrenalines once and for all. I'm now wearing Brooks Ghost without a special insert (just the normal ones) and doing well so I think I need to just stick with it. It's kind of hard to say goodbye to my Adrenaline's though because they totally turned around last falls running season for me. I was having major hip pain and switching into them totally stopped it (just in time for this 10K). I guess my gait has changed and the extra support is working against me instead of helping me now, I've read and heard that's pretty common?
For the last couple weeks Mr. Hungry has been coming with me on my longer Sunday morning runs. Yesterday, however, he wanted to rest since he has been having some Achilles pain from playing basketball, so I headed out by myself. At first I was kind of sad, but I ended up getting into the music and enjoying the quiet time.
Definitely not my fastest times ever but speed comes with consistency, and I have only been truly running again for a month or so. I know I'll get there again, I'm just thankful for any day I am able to workout, especially run.
After my run I showered, drank a Chocolate Formulx Recovery Protein Shake (<----affiliate link) and headed to Mass. After Mass we finally had a chance to check out the local farmer's market.
I was dying hot in the tights though!
How was your weekend?
What's your favorite type of outfit Friday night?
Have you ever had an issue with your pets bathroom habits?
Any new workouts you're surprised you're into?
Cassie says
Have you seen a podiatrist/orthopedist about your hip pain? If an over-the-counter insert is helping a little, maybe you need a custom orthodotic to help correct feet/over-pronation/whatever. I think it's worth it if you love running!