Happy Saturday Night,
This morning started out with a yummy french toast bake, made as a way to get those costco energy bars out of my fridge!
It was pretty good but a little mushy, less liquid and more shallow pan next time.
Then we ran errands like crazy- Walmart, Costco, Sprouts and Trader Joe's and here is what we ended up with for the most part:
Lots of extra veggies because we got a juicer for our wedding shower from Paul's work. They also gave us all this other neat stuff:
It was so nice of them, I must have said thank you like a million times, but here is another one! Thank you C. Meyers! (Planning to put up more pictures as soon as I get them too.)
Paul went to Walmart and Costco with me and then tackled house chores while I went to the other two grocery stores. We ate so many samples at Costco we didn't end up eating lunch (then I had more at Trader Joe's.) Wish I could say thats the first time thats happen to me but it's not. They get me every time with the dark chocolate acai berries (and Paul with the chicken flautas.) After church we hit up subway for dinner.
I had one of those super indecisive moments: salad or sandwich, salad or sandwich, salad or sandwich? I even switched on the poor subway guy a couple times. This is when my low carb roots come back to haunt me and I feel like I'm doing something evil by having a sandwich. NOT COOL! I knew I needed a good dinner to give me lots of fuel for my 10K tomorrow so eventually the bread lover in me won out. Sometimes not counting calories anymore is a blessing, and sometimes it's a bit of a curse (read more about my journey with Calorie Counting in Part I and II here.) When you know how many calories your are eating all the time YOU KNOW and you feel sort of in control. After stopping you kind of feel like you've lost some control and are worried you aren't always making the best choice. I remind myself that it all balances out in the end, people were not meant to live their lives by predetermined numbers. One day a little more, the next a little less, or meal or whatever. The important thing is to fuel your body with healthy food and enjoy what you eat. The rest does work it self out.
How am I feeling about the 10K tomorrow? Lets back track a bit, I've been having problems with my hips so two weeks I switched out my shoes and saw little to no improvement. What I did notice was my knees starting knocking in my new shoes, not good. Knowing I couldn't run the race in them I returned them and headed to pick up my race packet at Road Runner Sports, hoping that since it was an actual running store they could help me find a good pair of shoes. Wow, did they totally blow my expectations out of the water. They put me on a sensor to measure my arches, then on the treadmill to video tape my jogging form, then got some basic information from me (height, weight, training goals etc.) Turns out I have super high arches. I did NOT expect to hear that because I've been told in the past that I'm flatfooted. Well according to the video tape of my run (what you could see past my blaring white legs) the arches in my feet are very flexible leading me to rotate inwards and turn my feet outwards when I run. What this all means? I need a super supportive stability shoe with high arch support. Good to know! They got me set up with a pair of Brooks Adrenalines and custom inserts. The guy helping me out said that I should be good without running in the shoes first and just not to wear the custom inserts for the race because they take a while to get use to. So to sum it up, endurance wise I feel totally confident. However, I am hoping and praying that the new shoes help keep my hip in better alignment and prevent pain. I know if it doesn't I may have to pull back from doing the half in November. I'm reminding myself that I am not a serious runner, I do this for fun (really I do.) So extra pressure on myself isn't necessary, life is not static whatever happens with the run tomorrow doesn't determine how the rest of my running life will go.
Tonights plan includes some yoga, studying and bedtime. That being said, have a good night and tomorrow I'll be back with a recap of my first 10K!
emuseats says
I felt exactly the same the night before I ran my first 10K. It's was such an adrenaline rush running with so many others though, so it was a breeze! I hope yours goes just as well 🙂
tveent says
Brooke's adrenalin are the ones the running store put me on too after my hip issues and I've been pain free ever since!! I love Brooke's! Good luck on your 10k text me after I wanna hear how it goes!
leannenalani says
Look at all those wedding goodies! Showers are so much fun.