Hello! I'm popping in to share two new videos I filmed a couple of weeks ago for my YouTube channel, but just finally edited and posted!
(Email subscribers you will need to click through to watch the videos!)
PB Mug Cake Video
The first video I FINALLY was able to post is one I've meant to do FOREVER! It's a video of me making my one-minute peanut butter mug cake. If you are following along on Insta (@hungryhobbyrd), you've probably seen me make this approximately a bajillion times, but insta stories only live so long.
Now I finally have a video I can refer back to when someone asks me for the easiest healthy dessert in the world. Check it out below!
Click here for the original post and the recipe.
How I Make My Breakfast One-Handed
While I love the ingredients and convenience of Smoothie Box (see my full review here), what hooked me wasn't any of those things. Instead, what hooked me was my ability to make and eat my breakfast one-handed, as demonstrated below.
Please do enjoy my dog walking through with the cone of shame. Also, Missy had to make an appearance, because why not? Everyone is in this video, #reallifetho.
Thanks for bearing with me as I learn about video production and editing. (Want a real treat? Sit with me while I edit these videos and yell at myself like a crazy person. "KELLI, LOOK AT THE CAMERA, FOR THE LOVE, LOOK AT THE CAMERA!" " OMG YOU ARE SO AWKWARD." "Well, that shirt is going to Goodwill." Among other profanities I whisper when I can't figure out how to edit something or realize I could have improved a piece of content. Video is a whole new beast that has me wishing to fast forward a year from now when I've had a ton more practice.
Unfortunately, fast-forwarding isn't allowed, and besides, I'd miss the cutest stage of toddlerhood with Baby K. So, I'll continue to learn, adjust and repeat, thanks for muddling through with me!
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