It makes sense that you want to maximize your workout by eating the right thing before and after your workout. If you are going to put in the work, it only stands to reason that you want to optimize your results with the right nutrition. What to eat after your workout is pretty straightforward, protein + carb, although we will expand on this in a future post. However, what to eat before your workout is much trickier.
If and what you should eat BEFORE your workout depends on numerous factors, including but not limited:
- time of day you are working out
- body composition goals such as fat loss or muscle gain
- performance goals
- individual blood sugar fluctuations
- how you feel during your workout
- type of workout (cardio vs. strength training, low intensity vs. high intensity)
Should You Eat At All Before A Workout?
Maybe. Maybe not.
When you should eat before a workout:
- If you experience low blood sugar - lightheadedness, hunger, and fatigue.
- If you have intense performance goals - then you want to be fully fueled and have full glycogen stores for the workout.
- If you have muscle gain goals, it's better to have fuel. See the next point.
- If you are doing high-intensity exercise or heavy strength training. There is some evidence to show that working in high-intensity heavy strength workouts without food in your stomach me be catabolic (promote muscle breakdown.)
When you shouldn't eat before a workout:
- When eating before a workout makes you sick to your stomach.
- If you have fat loss goals, eating an extra snack before a workout might lead to excess calories preventing fat loss.
- When you are doing low-intensity steady-state exercise (think walking, light jogging, or any other exercise you can have a conversation while completing). Low-intensity steady state exercise uses fat as it's primary fuel, by doing this fasted you might help promote optimal fat utilization.
What Should You Eat Before A Workout?
It takes a good deal of individual trial and error. Typically there are a few points we discuss with our custom WTE? Meal Plan clients.
Protein & Carbs are a good choice if:
- If you have intense performance goals.
- Are performing high intensity or heavy lifting exercise.
- If you want to gain muscle.
- If you feel sick when you don't eat or if you feel sick when you do eat, keep it bland.
Protein & Fat are a good choice if:
- If you are eating only to prevent hunger during exercise.
- If you are performing cardio or low-intensity steady-state exercise.
- If you have fat loss goals.
Protein on its own is a good choice if:
- If you are eating only to prevent hunger during exercise.
- If you have fat loss goals and are trying to minimize calorie consumption.
- If you are trying to maximize muscle building.
Fat on its own is a good choice:
- If you are eating only to prevent hunger during exercise.
- If you are performing cardio or low-intensity steady-state exercise.
- If you have fat loss goals.
Are you confused yet?
What Shouldn't You Eat Before A Workout
Carbs on their own.
When I worked at the gym, I often stopped people coming through the door eating a banana before their workout. Bananas are not evil! However, if you eat only sugar right before you go workout, then you will likely burn more sugar than fat. If you need carbs before your workout, make sure to pair them with a protein! This will help the blood sugar spike to slow down so you can utilize them better and they will promote more muscle repair vs. fat storage.
The Reality Of Eating Before A Workout
See how many variations there are above? You could easily fall into two or more of the categories on any given day. So, clearly, we have not answered your question. That is because, in reality, your pre-workout meal is not nearly as important as your post workout meal. Yes, please read that again. IT'S TRUE!
What matters is that you are eating enough protein, high-quality carbohydrates, and healthy fats throughout the day. You want to fit those meals around your workouts as it works and feels best for you. Some people love working out with food in their belly and some people feel sluggish with food in their stomach. Fine, time your workouts and meals accordingly and then don't worry too much about it. If you need to eat prior to your workout then start experimenting with some of the food composition suggestions above, but again don't drive yourself crazy.
Again, it's what you eat throughout the day that promotes you being optimally fueled for your workout every day. Your priority should be getting enough protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats in balanced meals throughout the day. If you struggle with eating clean throughout the week, meal planning, or meal prepping check out our plans!
Jon says
Really great info on what to eat! Thanks!