Weekend Recap
Hi Friends! How was your weekend? Mine was good but short as usual! Friday I worked pretty late at the gym so by the time I got home I ate a quick snack/dinner before it was time to decorate.
We hung lights up outside and attempted to decorate the tree before we figured out we didn't have enough lights. Saturday I overslept my alarm by an HOUR AND A HALF which started the day off on the wrong foot a bit! Somehow I got in a quick 1,000 meter swim though and inhaled a quest bar plus a yogurt with almond butter before starting work.
(I'm so into adding almond butter or sun butter into my yogurts recently, healthy fats= filling.)
I was so thankful to have the salads I prepped at the beginning of the week ready for lunch, easy is good!
Don't worry I'm still loving literally every second of working at the gym, but it was ghost town there Saturday so I was excited to get off early for my date with Mr. Hungry! Our neighbor plays in the Phoenix Symphony and gave us tickets to go see the holiday show!
I had an unsweetened latte (super into those recently too, I never realized how sweet milk is on it's own) and shared a cookie with Paul at the show. I don't think I've ever been to the symphony so I wasn't sure what to expect but I really loved it!
It was such a fun holiday date night, we had a blast! Afterwards was a couple of spoonfuls of almond butter for a dinner. Meals recently have been a lot like this, very rushed and pieced together. While I'm impressed with the combinations I've been coming up with I told Mr. Hungry I wanted a slow relaxing breakfast after church Sunday morning. So we went to our favorite spot and I was really happy!
I also skipped my usual egg white omelet in favor of the croque madame which I've always wanted to try. Yuuuummmm-------mmmmmmyyyyyyyy, I don't know how I can get anything else when when we go there from now on!
The rest of Sunday morning was spent grocery shopping at TJ's and Frys with Mr. Hungry...
The evening was spent finishing my metabolic tech certification online training modules, prepping lunches for the week, baking paleo cinnamon raisin bread, and typing up this blog post! For dinner we tried that pesto chicken breast you see on the far left of the picture. Unfortunately I can't say that I loved it, much too lemony for my taste! Oh well though we gave it a shot!
Meal Plan
Breakfast Options
- eggs and paleo raisin bread (recipe coming soon)
- egg sandwiches
- high protein pumpkin pancake
- vanilla chobani with sun butter mixed in or paleo raisin bread, paired with protein shake with Espresso Dynamic Greens (usually second breakfast after Physical Therapy) <---affiliate links
Lunch Options
Simple, portable, easy to eat while immersed in other tasks.....
- Adult Lunchable (thanks Julie for this idea!): Meat (I splurged on organic grassfed bison meat from whole foods), avocado or cheese, carrots, yogurt and/or apple
- Tuna - Avocado Salad, carrots, yogurt and/or apple
Dinner Menu
Monday- leftovers for Paul, wing it for me
Tuesday- shrimp and broccoli omelet
Wednesday- Salmon and Green Beans (Mr. Hungry Cooks)
Thursday- Chicken Sausage and Shaved Brussel Sprouts
Friday- Spinach & Goat Cheese Omelets
Saturday- Turkey Burgers
Workout "Plans"
Sunday- REST
Monday- Physical Therapy
Tuesday- Upper Body and Core Work, stairmaster/rower incorporation
Wednesday- Physical Therapy
Thursday- Upper Body and Core Work, stairmaster/rower incorporation
Friday- Physical Therapy
Saturday- steady state cardio- swimming? ugh.
The goal this week is to take more pretty pictures of my food this week so you guys can see what I've been fueling with since I've been shaking things up a little bit. Also, I think the act of taking the picture helps me slow down and remember to take time with my food.
What was your favorite part about the weekend?
Have you ever been to the symphony?
What's your favorite way to get into the holiday spirit?
To be honest I hate to admit it but I'm usually a grin and get through December type person (growing up holidays were a time of increased stress in the family so I generally didn't like them). However, Mr. Hungry LOVES the holidays, just about more than anything else. The advent jar is my way of mentally getting excited about the holidays. Because I get to spend time with Mr. Hungry doing fun festive holiday things I know makes him really happy I end up getting excited about the holidays. However, this year I have to say that going to the symphony really touched me and sparked some crazy excitement. The music was so beautiful and the show was so entertaining, I just loved it! Nothing like live music to bring out the happiness in someone!
Jessie says
Sounds like a fun weekend 🙂 Have you tried Quest's new s'mores bar? It's great eaten on it is own.. but even better warmed up a little bit. I think my favorite way to get into the holiday spirit will always be when my husband & I decorate our home, enjoy a nice cup of hot chocolate & watch Christmas movies.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
It was a fun weekend! No I haven't tried it yet I just ordered the peanut butter ones off amazon, smores sounds amazing! hot chocolate (+baileys) + movies = ahmazing 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine says
What a fun date night!
To get into the holiday spirit I just need ALL the christmas music, movies, and seeing the tree all decked out!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Yes the tree makes all the difference! Now i just need to see a movie!