Wow that was a long hump day, good riddens to the middle of the week, the weekend is now in sight! Better yet, a three day weekend is now in sight... heck yes! My Wednesday morning started bright and early with green juice, which I debated if I would have enough time to make, but I went for it and got to work by 7 no problem. I must say that I got pretty lucky with traffic though!
For breakfast I brought greek yogurt mixed with 1T Walden Farms Blueberry Syrup, 1tsp honey, 5 drops stevia, berries and topped with my favorite Quinoa Granola.
Before I went to lunch I grabbed a pear and went on a short walk, still dealing with my SI injury.
I had a heat pack on my back all day today, but it was pretty sore 🙁 After lunch I came back and forgot to take a picture of my salad before I was half way done, again. So it will have to be the pretty picture of the other day's chopped chicken salad again with homemade Asian Peanut Viniagrette !
The rest of the afternoon was a complete blur, back to back clients, then home to change, chiropractor, and got my hair cut! When I came home to change I grabbed carrots leftover from lunch and a piece of protein fudge.
Paul and I went to Paul's friend for hair cuts way in Chandler, by the time we got home it was close to nine. I heated up a whole wheat pita and stuffed it with the chicken sausage sauté mix from last night it was delicious!
Whenever I wait this long to eat and I'm that hungry by the time I eat I always end up snacking and feeling like I can't get full. That's why even though it was late and I don't usually like to eat that late, I added the pita to help satisfy my hunger. I definitely think that strategy worked, much better than trying to eat light and snacking on the whole house.
Breakfast/Lunch is packed, green juice vegetables are gathered into one bag, coffee is on, and this girl is off to bed!
leannenalani says
I pick out my clothes and accessories, plus I make sure breakfast and lunch are prepped and ready to go so all I do in the morning is shower, change, put on make-up, and go!
hungryhobby says
That's awesome! I should pick out my cloths too I bet my outfits would come out a little better!