It's time for another monthly post of Recipe Redux Challenge, I haven't been able to participate in a while so I was really determined to get this one going!
This month's theme was: Spring Cleaning
Go through your pantry, cupboards, freezer, or fridge; what ‘treasures’ have you found? Pick an ingredient/spice/condiment that’s been hanging out for a while and give it the attention it needs. Share a healthy recipe made using your new-found pantry prize.
Guess what I found? WALNUTS!!!!!! A huge Costco bag I figured I could make some use out of and I did by making Mr. Hungry a food sensitivity friendly breakfast or snack!
- 2-2.5 Cups of Walnuts
- 2 scoops protein powder (I used chocolate brown rice)
- 2-3T honey
- ¼ cup oatmeal (or use coconut flour for grain free, you will just need to add a bit less because it's more absorbant)
- 2T milk (I used cashew)
- Place all ingredients in a food processor and process till you get a dough like consistency. Roll into balls of desired size and refrigerate as necessary. For this one, don't get to freaked out about ingredient portions. If you over process just add in more protein powder, oatmeal or coconut flour. If it seems to not stick together to well then add in more milk and continue to process. (This is unlikely though, if you process log enough you will get walnut butter!)
That's it! Mr. Hungry loves them! Be sure to check out some of the awesome other recipes from this Month by fellow Reduxers!

Madhur Satta Matka says
thanks for this information
Lilly says
Do these need to be chilled/refrigerated? I'm looking for something to bring hiking and camping! Thanks!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Good question! Walnuts are kind of delicate, I would think my trail mix balls would hold up better -->