Happy Friday everyone, I know on Fridays sometimes the post is something special or not the usual, but I feel like we only got to do the normal blog thing once this week... so today I'm just going to do a quick recap of Thursday.
I honestly started the day feeling weird... even on Christmas I didn't eat as much chocolate, cookies, or alcohol as I did New Years Day (add some Thai food to that). What better way to pick back up then with green juice????
Kale looked kind of funny yesterday morning, but it is the end of the week and it wasn't super wilted so I figured that was a win. I felt a little better after my green juice thats for sure. Then I did some self reflection (self reflection is so important in order to live your life by the "everything in moderation" motto) and I came up with something I've known for a long time now. The times when I find it hardest to stick to moderation are the times that I somehow let my brain think this is the "last indulgence" I can ever have. I KNOW thats a BIG BIG NO NO!
For breakfast I packed 3 Sweet Potato Protein Pancakes topped with a half a sliced banana. I put the whole thing in the microwave banana and all and it tasted delicious, plus it was super filling!
Don't mind the reuse of the instagram pic here---> too lazy to edit right now. I think the same thing happens when we say we are going to start a diet on a given date or begin an exercise plan...we find ourselves using that as an excuse to over indulge in preparation for the dreaded moment. Also a big big no no.
For lunch I packed leftovers of salmon, brown rice, and broccoli doused in sirracha. Followed by two clementines.
Work was a bit stressful and I couldn't wait to get to crossfit. I snacked on a handful of pistachios and a greek yogurt before (recently I've kind of fallen into a habit of not eating the fruit on the bottom, for some reason I'm just not liking it so I eat around it.)
Crossfit was a simple workout with only two movements but it was a good one. Since I don't have a max power clean, I did 43lbs for the power cleans and 14lbs for the Wall Balls (I used 10lbs on round 8). We also did some tabata abs at the end since we had extra time. Love extra core work because lets face it my weak little extremities stem from my weak little core. Can't ask my legs and arms to do what my core can't support---> this is very obvious when asked to do V-ups.
I love crossfit, have I mentioned that (no because you are usually complaining)? I love how no matter what I'm moving the whole hour, I'm learning something, and I'm focused on improving myself. Like running it's a great mental high because it lets you let go of the day, but in a different way than running does. Anyways, todays workout was completed in 15:40 for me so we had some time at the end of class. Whenever we have time leftover we usually do some tabata abs that look similar to this. Tack them on at the end of any workout or just for a random 5 minute core strengthener anytime!
After crossfit I took the quickest shower of my life and headed to the in laws for dinner. We got to see our friend (and deacon that said the homely at our wedding) so that was really nice. On the menu: chicken, salad and scalloped potatoes. I made mine into a chicken salad that was so good! Love the way Paul's mama makes lemon chicken.
They also had brownies but I'm weird and not really a brownie person, so I went for a handful of white chocolate peppermint puppy chow and some coffee. Coffee after 5pm = not a good idea, I think I got 5 hours of sleep maybe?
Health Tips
So how do we avoid the dreaded all or nothing trap? How do we deal with it when it happens?
1. Allow yourself to let go of food guilt. Treat yourself to something small every night--> I usually go for a piece of dark chocolate, a tiny glass of wine, or even a spoonful of sun butter (sometimes you just got to have it.)
2. Don't beat yourself up over the slip ups, but do use them as motivation. Use slip ups as a reason to get right back on the wagon the VERY next meal, not an excuse to blow the whole day.
3. Look back at your progress. Yesterday I mentioned it's important to track your progress so that you can see how far you've come. Well, in those moments whre you don't do so hot... look back at how much you've done... chances are you will surprise yourself. Sometimes I scroll through my post or Instagram and see that I chose to eat healthy for almost all my meals thats motivation to keep going and not beat myself up about one bad day.
Here's to TGIF today right?????!!!!!!!????? You know it! Have a great weekend everyone!
leannenalani says
I'm sure the fruit at the bottom of the Chobani is probably where all the sugar is anyhow, so it's probably better that you're eating around it. 🙂 Great tips, too. I'm guilty of the all or nothing trap when it comes to #2.
hungryhobby says
That's a tough one to learn but it gets easier with practice 🙂 and that was my thoughts about the chobani too 🙂