Hello, friends! We have a little surprise for you coming April/May 2023!
For those who haven't guessed it from the lack of alcohol, lack of workouts, perpetually stating how crappy I feel, and the lack of consistent posting... We're expecting a third baby in April/May!!!! My official due date is April 30th, but I have a history of going overdue, so there is that. Baby should be here around a week or two before KK's second birthday. I'll have two under two for just a few days!
I was so happy to have these cute and somewhat chaotic announcement shots when we did our family photos a couple of weekends ago! Note the baby screaming below haha.
And it's a..........
I couldn't believe it! I yelled at the lady on the phone when she said it was a girl. I said, "NO, I'M NOT!" I was more surprised than anything. To me, I had zero indication that I was having a girl. I figured we only make boys, lol. But I'll share more about that in my first-trimester recap next week!
I got to tell you this, friends, though. The first trimester was a hot mess. Being a mom to three is already not for the faint of heart, and she isn't even here yet! Haha But, really, though.
For instance, take our photo shoot. I was POURING sweat even though it was stormy and cool out, and as you can see, about to rain. haha
Amazon Dress | Mr. Hungry's Shirt Is Travis Mathew Polo | Boys Clothes - Old Navy (now out of stock)
We could have rescheduled, but everyone was dressed, so if I could get it done, I was going to get it done. And although I planned bright, airy sunflower field photos, I got tornado comes to Kansas photos, and I still LOVE them! But I'll mostly remember how I was just pouring sweat, haha it was gnarly, but I don't think you can tell too much in the photos!
Luckily, since I got off the progesterone support, my sweating has improved greatly.
Alright friends! I'll leave you with that and be back next week with a full posting schedule! Although I'm still pretty tired, I've been able to get a little more done these days. Nowhere up to pre-pregnancy status, but more manageable for sure! Hopefully, it stays that way until the little one gets here!
I have a fun canned green beans recipe to shoot, hormone training to finish, and other random tasks, so I'm off! Have a wonderful weekend!
And friends, please note that I understand these posts and conversations may be triggering to anyone who has suffered loss or infertility. I know the pain of both (read here for my amenorrhea story and here for my loss story). Please take a break from the blog or whatever you need to do for your mental health! I hope to see you back when you are ready, but take care of yourself first! You are in my heart and prayers.
Photo Credit Nerissa Lowicki (@nlowphoto)
[…] wanted to follow up on my little announcement from last weekend with a first-trimester recap. I don’t know how often I’ll do pregnancy updates, likely […]