Hey guys! Happy Humpday! I know I can't truly say that it's the middle of the week for me since I have Friday off for my SIL's wedding this weekend! Speaking of that I'm not sure how much time I'll have on Friday to put together a post so I thought it would be best if I updated my recent eats for a WIAW type thing. Sound good? So this from Tuesday to Friday of last week. I left out Monday because it was kind of a weekend day because we stayed home for Arizona's first ever rain day/ flood/ monsoon. That is suppose to happen again tomorrow and people are getting prepared this time. I heard the City of Chandler is handing out 10 sandbags to each person. Well that's nice but I live on the border of the East Valley and Phoenix so we get overlooked by both cities even though our area had massive flooding. So that should be fun.... I'm praying it doesn't delay our flight on Friday!
Banana, chia seed jam, and almond butter quesadilla for Tuesday morning. Not super pretty but it's one of my favorite transportable breakfast options! Easy to make the night before too 🙂
Another Hungry Hobby kitchen classic, the DIY Frozen Green Chile and Cheese Breakfast Burrito. I've said it a million times before, I'll never get sick of this breakfast! It's so convenient to grab when you want a filling breakfast or are craving eggs, sometimes I grab one for lunch too if I'm feeling lazy.
A weekly favorite, Starbucks Feta Wrap with a Venti Americano. I always get this whenever I have to make the trek to our furthest clinic and I have to leave extra early. I usually don't hassle with bringing food those days either, some days it's just too stressful. It's all about balance right?
Single Serving High Protein Pumpkin Pancake topped with almond butter. I LOVE this breakfast and I'm happy to hear many of you guys love it too! Tip it totally transports well folded in half. Or sometimes I use the same recipe and scramble it if I know I will transport it. This one is a good one and it will become a Hungry Hobby kitchen staple through February at least. I'm already through two cans of pumpkin #pumpkinobsessed and I'm not sorry about it!
Salad with yummy Spicy Tuna Avocado Cakes, we ate these up pretty quick, they were delicious!
Salad topped with dinner leftovers of chicken chorizo sauteed with onions and spinach, another favorite of mine! Many people have asked where I get my chicken chorizo and the answer is at Sprouts! One time I got turkey chorizo at Whole Foods as well. I asked them if they had any (after seeing it on someone's blog) and they said no but it would take about 10 minutes to make it, it was delicious!
Mahi burger salad with more salsa as dressing. I've been loving salsa as salad dressing during Sugar Free September! I'm pretty sure this salad also had sweet chili goat cheese hiding in their somewhere. Delish 🙂
Last Friday was honestly the biggest lunchtime fail I've had in a long time. I planned to go out for lunch but ended up eating banana and tons of almond butter stashed in the fridge. Bad Dietitian. Should have grabbed a burrito!
I've been eating bigger dinners a bit earlier recently and that has totally cut my cravings for a dessert later on down to almost nothing. I still snack on a bit of frozen fruit here and there, but I'm not searching like crazy for snacks an hour or two after dinner.
Broccoli, sweet potato and chicken chorizo (sauteed with onions, jalapenos, and spinach) with New Zealand Grassfed Cheddar.
Quesadilla with tuna, avocado, sweet chili goat cheese, and New Zealand Grassfed Sharp Chedar. TJ's frozen green beans with butter and garlic salt on the side.
I forgot how much I love these Chicken Healthmix burrito from Rubios. I rarely eat beans because I just don't like them (Bad Dietitian) unless it's Mama Shallal's Homemade Refried Beans, but one place I love them is in this burrito. I grabbed it on the way to my hair appointment because I was REALLY hungry and needed something to calm my growling stomach. It was the BEST decisions, I scarfed it down while I waited for her to mix up color.
- banana and cream cheese not the best idea- even Missy was looking at me like "What are you doing?"
- Turkey Jerky
- Quest Bar
- Banana
- Carrots and Laughing Cow
- Nut butter out of the jar
Looking at my workouts last week, I'm definitely missing out on strength training! I need to way more attention to it. I think a lot of people have that issue when they increase their running right? I also tried spin class for the first time. I wasn't sure how my hip would hold up but it did fine and the class was fun!
Sunday (9/9)- Run 5 Mils
Monday (9/10)- Chiropractic Adjustment and 40 Minute Walk
Tuesday (9/11)- Hot Yoga
Wednesday (9/12)- Spin Class
Thursday (9/13)- 5 Minutes of Jump Roping Warm Up (I'm so bad at jump roping) + 15 Minute HIIT Pylometric Workout and 7 Minute Plank
Friday (9/14)- 4 Mile Run
Saturday (9/15)- Rest
Most of us struggle with cravings at certain times of the day, when do yours hit???
My cravings always strike between 8 or 9 pm as I get ready to wind down for bed!
Arman @ thebigmansworld says
I think you have an incredibly balanced day/s of eating- you seem to like wraps alot 😉 No shame they are delicious.
I tend to always get snacky in the afternoon after lunch- been working on finding the right 'lunch' balance at work- it's tough!