Happy Friday friends! I'm working on my fourth-trimester recap for the last couple weeks, but in the meantime, I've been dying to share these photos with you guys and haven't had time! What's better than baby picture on a Friday? Nothing! Enjoy all the cuteness if you can handle it!
We were lucky enough to have both his great grandma and one of his grandmas in the house to get some additional photos with. How amazing is this picture of his great-grandmother holding him? It might be my favorite photo!
He looks so tiny in his Daddy's arms! I can't believe he was that small he already looks so much bigger to me (because he is bigger.)
Had to get a photo of him on his handmade blanket his Great Aunt made him.
And we also took a few "discrete" breastfeeding photos. Some of these you have seen in my fourth trimester updates and some of them I've saved.
Thank you so much to my friend Nerissa Lowicki for gifting us these photos. (If you are in the Phoenix/East Valley area and want her info please just email me! )
Kylie West says
So sweet baby, I love this post. All the baby pictures are very nice. You are so lucky enough having his great grandma.