Hi friends! What day is it again today? I don't even know. Yesterday was Tuesday, so that means it's Wednesday. Anyone else with me? <-------- What happens when you pre-write posts. I still don't know what day it is apparently, I know it's Amazon Prime Day though! (See what I did there, ha ha)
I recently asked Lindsay for a link to the stroller fan she had on her Instagram stories and she sent me back her Amazon Store with the category I could find it under. I didn't even know you could have that, so freaking cool! I thought it would be so great to have a place I could put all the favorite stuff I share in my weekly Friday Favorites posts.
I found out that you have to apply for an influencer account and then you can create it. I was recently approved, so I thought I'd share it with you today! Click here to go to my Amazon Storefront - aka all the Friday Favorites stuff in one place!
I also set categories for Mom, Baby, Eating/Food, and Toys. Let me know if you want me to add any other categories!
You save the link or get to it any time by using the LIFE dropdown and then clicking on FAVORITE PRODUCTS.
Okay, so you can find ALL my favorite stuff there.
That being said, TODAY is Prime day! I wanted to share a few products we love and use all the time that are on Amazon Prime Day today, as well as a few products I'm eyeing myself!
Instant Pot
I love my Instant Pot way more than I thought I would, and nowadays I use it 3-4 times a week. It's basically half off today from what I purchased it for so if you don't have one, this is a MUST in your cart for all things meal prep and healthy cooking.
Click here to go to the Amazon Prime Instant Pot Deal
Coffee/Spice Grinder
I use my coffee grinder for grinding coffee but also for grinding flaxseeds and other small items! This isn't the one I have, but it's very similar and if you need one it's a good deal!
See the deal on the coffee grinder!
Glass Meal Prep Containers
Glass meal prep containers aren't cheap, but these ones are on sale! I prep lunches for Mr. Hungry every week and I prep lunches for myself even though I'm home. It's just so much easier to pull lunch out of the fridge that's ready to go, then pull out a million leftover containers and put a lunch together on a plate. Plus, glass meal prep containers are dishwasher safe and you know how I feel about dishes, so that's a must!
10 Pack Glass Meal Prep Containers
Sound Machine
Our MVP baby sleep item is on Prime day, can't recommend this one enough for anyone expecting a little one! You can find all my recommendations for expecting moms and new moms including newborn essentials here!
Cuisinart Food Processor
This one is bigger than mine, but the same brand. I love my food processor and use it all the time!
Magic Bullet
I had a magic bullet in grad school and this thing is tiny but mighty! It's my favorite blender outside a Vitamix.
Things I'm Eyeing Myself
Apple Watch 3 Series (GPS)
This deal is killer! So far it looks like the deal is only in black but I would totally take it! I currently have the Garmin VivoActive as a watch/fitness tracker but it has to pair to heart rate monitor if I want to monitor my heart rate and doesn't ever stay connected to my phone like it's supposed to. This would definitely be an upgrade!
Click here to see the deal on this charging stand.
Apple Products Charging Stand
If I did get the iwatch I'd have to get this charging stand too. It just looks so clean and sleek, I'm a sucker for anything that creates organziation especially when it comes to ugly wires.
Click here to see the deal on this charging stand.
Insulated Coffee Mugs
I've wanted an insulated coffee mug for a while now because once you have kids finishing a cup of coffee is just as hard as it is necessary. I'd like to not reheat my coffee seven thousand times.
See the Deal On Insulated Coffee Mugs
Ninja Air Fryers
This isn't on a Prime day but I just checked it's on sale, I'm seriously considering purchasing this Ninja Air Fryer!
Cosori Air Fryer
I've heard good things about this one too and this one is on a prime day! Cosori Air Fryer
Question of the day:
Are you buying anything on Prime Day?
That watch is calling to me, saying BUUUUUUYYYYYYYY MMEEEEEE. We will see if I can withstand it. I've also put a few on sale toys for Little Man in the cart that are like 10% off or something, very small items so far!
Brigid says
Bought a bunch of little stuff that added up to a lot for my son's college dorm plus got myself a mattress topper. Today I'm contemplating the instapot. I've been eyeing those for years. Haven't pulled the trigger though.