Thank goodness the humpday is over! Today was insane and personally I'm just happy to say goodbye to it and hello to one day closer to a long weekend!
Mr. Hungry's Salmon dinner he made tonight was delicious! Let's back track to the beginning of the after work saga though. I got home from work and went upstairs to change into comfortable workout cloths for a walk after dinner. That's when the afterwork hungry monster hit so I had some mini bell peppers left over from lunch. When those didn't tame the beast I decided to have this leftover half a protein bar (my recipe still in development).
I also had some nuts out of the pantry. I thought for sure that would do it but I still felt really hungry, I sensed I was maybe a little hungry and more stressed than anything. I sat down to write tomorrow's post and nothing was coming to me but extreme hunger. I figured I had two options: eat until I wasn't hungry for dinner anymore or go on my walk now and when it was over dinner would be ready. I had all these excuses why not to go on a walk, it's too hot right now and I don't like "exercising" when I'm hungry were at the top of the list. In a bad mood I decided to head out anyway. About 5 minutes into my walk I realized it was hot but not that bad and I wasn't that hungry anymore. I felt calmer and calmer, and less hungry as I walked. Turns out I was still just really wound up from the workday!
I felt a lot better after my walk, plus dinner was ready when I got home so it was a double win. Oh ya and it was DELICIOUS! Mr. Hungry seasoned it by topping it with BBQ sauce, he such a smart cookie. We had some leftover broccoli in the fridge so I had mine with broccoli. Mr. Hungry also had some steak leftovers from Monday.
A couple hours later I had some berries, heated for 60 seconds and then topped with a ridiculous amount of almond butter.
I think it's kind of crazy the amount of nut butter that I consume on a daily basis. I know portion control is important when it comes to any nut butter, but sometimes I look into the jar and think "what would happen if I allowed myself to sit down with the jar and eat to my hearts content?" Would it be like eating ice cream out of the carton or a box of chocolates? I think that might be better left in the unknown....
Have a good night! I'll be back tomorrow with my tips on making it to your "after work" workout!
Jesse Lees says
I would love to get your protein bar recipe. They look delicious!