I didn’t have a time to review any healthy iPhone apps this week, so I thought I’d get around to FINALLY putting together some wedding posts! It is so crazy to me to look back on the rehearsal/rehearsal dinner now almost 6 months later. The rehearsal itself was fun because all the bridal party was finally in one place and it started to seem real. There were so many instructions, I remember thinking I was never going to remember it all! I think my mom was just as nervous, we both teared up practicing the walk and it was only practice!
In the moments of the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner I found out EXACTLY why you have bridesmaids. You can feel like everything is spinning, like nothing is going to come together, like it’s all out of control and then… and then ….and then… one of them makes you laugh or reminds you to breathe. For a split second the bride snaps back to the real world reality that everything is going to be just fine. My bridesmaids filled me with all the love, support, confidence, and encouragement I needed to get through the last little bit of the crazy planning, I’m truly blessed to have so many amazing friends.
I'm not sure what the purpose of groomsmen are, I hardly imagine it is quite so emotional. I know these guys definitely kept Paul laughing the whole time!
Good looking bunch if I do say so myself!
We were both so nervous, but you can tell those are real smiles on our faces. We were facing all our bridal party and close family who were all doing a good job at cracking jokes and keeping us laughing! Seriously, I didn’t know it was possible to be overwhelmingly excited and happy, yet nervous and terrified at the same time. The funny thing is, looking back, even though I know I was terrified some planning detail would be forgotten, for the life of me I can’t figure out why I thought it mattered so much? What really mattered that I was marrying my best friend and we were starting our lives together. You could have said that a million different ways, a thousand times during the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner and I still would have been just as nervous. I guess it is all part of the deal right?
I’ve got to track down some more pictures of the rehearsal dinner for the next post, but I figured I might as well start getting these wedding recaps up or I never will! Now or never is my latest go to saying. I hope you have a great weekend!
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