Good morning! As I finish up this post I'm eating my delicious breakfast which was some leftover turkey breakfast sausage and kale topped with an egg (and tons of hot sauce).
So yesterday was my steroid injection in the ischial bursa (see recent diagnosis of weaver's bottom). I was supposed to get sedated but somebody (me) screwed up and did not fast (remember yesterdays eggs?). Apparently there is aspiration (choking risk) with sedation and eating so I was not allowed to be sedated. I was super upset freaking out that I wouldn't be able to get the injection, then once I found out I'd be able to get it, I was super scared it would hurt. The doctor assured me the sedation was only for my nerves and that this would be a walk in the park compared to things like prolotherapy. I used to think I had a low pain tolerance, it's funny after everything...nowadays I would describe my pain tolerance as high. Between prolotherapy, bouts of aystm and skin rolling in physical therapy, plus tons of corrective training and soft tissue work things have definitely changed. If there is one thing I have to say it's that I'm either crazy, crazy in love with running/fitness, or determined to do everything I want to do and find a cure to my aching bum.
Anyways, despite what I googled, at least for me, the procedure DID NOT HURT AT ALL. I barely felt the numbing needle, although my glutes did spasm a lot! I made a joke about how I was not willing that to happen and the doc and nurses laughed pretty hard. The doc said I must have really strong glutes, I guess all that corrective glute strengthening is finally paying off? It was over so quickly, I was happy to not be sedated because that meant I could be productive and study all evening instead of drugged out of my mind. As usual all that freaking out and crying for nothing, Mr. Hungry is a saint. Clearly after finally taking the steroid injection plunge (13 months post initial injury) I'm taking the next couple days as rest days, I'll get back to core and upper body strengthening around Thursday or so. For now I'm going to enjoy having extra time to study and sit in the sauna. Here is what I packed for lunch/dinner today since I won't be home till really late:
- bison, avocado, cherry tomato adult lunchable
- ¾ cup plain 2% greek yogurt, 1 teaspoon chia seeds, ½ cup blackberries
- Strong KIND bar
- chocolate protein shake with "iced" (no ice really just cold) coffee
- the rest of our snap peas
Have a great day!
Rebecca @BeTrulyNourished says
Yay for things that don't actually hurt!!!