GOOD MORNING! Happy Happy Friday! In my mind Friday's are almost as good as Birthday's except they happen weekly which is way cooler! Even though I work Saturdays I still get excited on Friday's because I have a short afternoon shift and a fun TEAM Weight Loss class to teach. Then I go home and Mr. Hungry has done most of the chores, we hang out, I stay up too late like I don't have to work the next day and the cycle repeats.
This morning started out with a walk with pup pup and then I headed to the gym to to get in Legs & Cardio day. It was a TOUGH workout, but I love the tough ones the best.
#addictedtoendorphins All the jumping in the BBG program has bothered my knees a bit, so on the advice of a friend I came home to ice and drink Day 5's Detox Smoothie (Mediclear, Fibermend, ½ banana, berries, coconut/almond milk, and matcha green tea powder.)
Mr. Hungry impulse bought the Jurassic Park Collection so I'm looking forward to a Jurassic Park Marathon this evening. I'm not looking forward to taking another look at my monster student loan data to figure out if there is anything we can do to lower the monthly payment. #Iwouldrathereatbugs Impulse buying is something we've really been working on to get under control recently. Our new deal is all impulse purchases must be ran by the other person with a compelling case. My impulse purchases are almost ALWAYS fitness related, most recently the Turkey Day 10K Race Entry. I'm definitely catching the running bug again, plus, that's my favorite race of the year because Mr. Hungry always does it with me. I hope you have a fabulous and fun Friday!
What are your most recent impulse purchases?
What is your most favorite thing you've ever impulse purchased? What is your least favorite?
Right now my most favorite impulse purchase is the BBG workouts, they are the best! My least is probably the foot brace I bought that is suppose to keep my ankle flexed at night. I can only stand to wear it a couple of hours, I HATE it. Ha Ha it's still good for me though!
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