Good morning friends! The last couple of morning walks with Nala have been interesting, to say the least. Let me preface this by saying that Nala is usually very well behaved on walks unless she is provoked. By provoked I mean neighbors were calling her (like kissing noises calling her to them even though she is leashed) or unleashed dogs running towards her (yes both events have happened).
Then she gets very excited because she is VERY friendly, we call her our gentle giant for a reason. The thing is I'm 40+ weeks pregnant, and my tolerance for wrangling an 80# dog is zero right now. I decided she needs a sign on her that says, please don't call me over to you my mom is too pregnant to deal with any kind of encounter.
Anyways, rant over.
For breakfast this morning I broke into this bag of Gluten Free Mueslithat Bob's Red Mill sent me to try out! (They sent it sometime in the summer but today was the first day I broke into the bag!)
Initially, I was gonna eat it cold but then decided to heat it so I could stir a big spoonful of salted peanut butter! I also added a chopped up Medjool date, just for good measure. I'm kind overeating all the labor inducers at this point, but I figured I'd throw one in.
It was pretty yummy, plus super low maintenance which is totally my style right now when it comes to cooking and eating.
In other news, apparently, tonight is a full moon or some kind of special full moon known as the Hunter's Moon? Normally I wouldn't buy into the whole "more babies born on a full moon thing" except that my experience with seed cycling has kind of made me believe there is some kind of interaction with the menstrual cycle and the moon cycle. What that is, I have no idea; however, if it means Hungry Baby will come tonight then I'm all for it!
At my appointment yesterday my Doctor did schedule me an induction date. I'm still hoping that Hungry Baby makes his appearance before that "naturally" but if he doesn't I'm 100% comfortable with heading to the hospital for the induction. Okay, maybe not 100% comfortable. Let's just say I'm as comfortable as one can be heading into the unknown of labor and delivery as a first-time mom! My doctor said I've got a 50/50 shot of going into spontaneous labor before I get called in for an induction so positive thinking!
Now it's time to get ready for the day! Hope you have a good week!
Marianne says
I’ve witness the idiocy of people with A. Pregnant momma and B. Sweet Nala so the key word there is idiocy, nuf said 🤨🤨 however the next delightful person who crosses the line will hear it from me.
Baby K you come out to play, tonight!
Praying for you Kelli!
Hungry Grandma
Karly says
I cant imagine trying to contain a dog while 40+ preggo! Keep it up girl your almost there. Love your positive attitude about induction because I feel the same way. You may have mentioned it before but Im curious.. what were some of the labor inducing foods you've tried? I know about dates (which I plan to try); not just yet though! LOL
Good Luck!!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thank you! The ones I've read about were dates, pineapple, and eggplant which all "prep" the cervix. Spicy foods only works if it induces diarrhea or intestinal cramps, therefore, signaling the vagus nerve to contract the uterus as well. So since I'm used to spicy foods I knew that one wouldn't work for me. Good luck girly!
Brigid says
I remember the fear of the unknown when it comes to delivering. So, I hope baby comes soon for you. Rest assured that it's always worth it, no matter what path you have to take. Once you have that baby in your arms, nothing else matters. Praying for a quick and healthy delivery for your family!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thank you Brigid!!!!! I know you are right!