Happy Friday, friends! How was your maybe short week? MLK day is weird because while a lot of people have it off, not everyone does. Mr. Hungry was off, and I had the day off from school, so it was a short week for us. This week I did something crazy, something new, and I love it.
I stopped jumping back on my computer after Little Man goes to bed. Usually, I work as much as I can during the day during nap time, or if there is a sitter here, then after he goes to bed, I keep working from 8-11 pm. I usually fell asleep at my computer several times but would force myself to stay up and work. I hated it but was feeling like I needed to work that extra time to get everything done.
This week I stopped working after he went to bed in favor of getting up at 4 am. I go to bed by 830/9 pm and wake up at 4. It's SO MUCH better! Like so so so so much better.
I'm so happy to have my nights back, and I'm very productive from 4 - 6 am until K wakes up (currently put this post together in that window.) So much more productive than I was at 10 pm falling asleep trying to force myself to work. I think I'll stick to this routine for a while! I'm not sure about the weekends, though we will see what happens there!
This Week's Meal Plan:
Did you hear that all meal plans now have dairy-free modifications (they already had gluten-free modifications)? For example, this meal plan is 95% dairy-free; it just has cheddar cheese in the snack box. The modification would be swapping out for 1-ounce nut or seed butter.
New Library of Resources Addition - Energy Balls Recipes
I think most of you that read the Friday Favorites are on my email list, but just in case you aren't! I just added a new resource into my library of resources, a new energy ball recipe ebook! Download your free ebook here!
Kodiak Pancakes
I was sent a few Kodiak pancake items as part of their RD ambassador program. Mr. Hungry and his dad LOVED these pancakes and said that if I hadn't told them, they wouldn't have known the pancakes were protein pancakes.
In most of their mixes, they use wheat protein (gluten) and whey protein to increase the protein in their pancakes. Those ingredients won't work for everyone, but I did try gluten & dairy-free version at FNCE that was delicious.
TIP! One of my IG friends messaged me and said that she blends in spinach with her Kodiak pancakes and that her kids LOVE IT! Great way to add in more nutrients!
Parm Crisps
I did a media segment on Food Trends 2020 that had parm crisps with it, and now I'm obsessed. We've bought and eaten two bags already.
Daily Harvest
I finally posted a full review on Daily Harvest late yesterday morning. Daily Harvest is a frozen meal kit delivery service offering a variety of meals to help you conveniently get more fruits & vegetables. If you missed it, be sure to check out it out and grab a special discount code!
Friends Coffee Mug
You may have seen this on my IG Stories (@hungryhobbyRD), it was my Christmas present from Mr. Hungry. I'm a total Friends nerd, so I basically died when I opened it, my hubby knows me so well.
KJ's happy place is outside and recently, putting rocks in his Tonka truck. It's seriously so lovely outside right now, though. This is the time in Arizona when the weather is gorgeous, by May when everyone else in the country is heading outside Arizonians will be heading back inside as the temps climb.
It is still a little chilly in the morning, so I've been getting him to wear this faux-suede hat my Mom got him for Christmas. It's freaking adorable!
UGH. I strained my neck, so looking right or up was painful, but I'm fine otherwise. So annoying because I had to miss some really good workouts at BBC. I was stocking my local IG BBC Page wishing I could go. Luckily it's feeling better, so hopefully, I'll be back soon!
I'm contemplating going today, but I still feel a tiny pinch, so I think it's probably better to rest or do something at home I know won't keep it from fully healing.
Side note, injuries are just part of life and fitness. They suck, and it's annoying, but I definitely handle them better than I used to, so I guess that's good!
Friday (1/17) - Burn Boot Camp Upper Body Superset
Upper body days are my favorite, and I love how much I get challenged at BBC!
Saturday (1/18) - Burn Boot Camp Met-Con Workout
Each exercise for a minute, for three rounds. In between each round, we did either push-ups, 180-degree jumps, or bicycles.
Sunday (1/19) - OFF
Monday (1/20) - Burn Boot Camp Core Conditioning Workout
Two rounds at each station, 90 seconds for each exercise. If you finish, you held a plank or hollow body depending on what letter exercise you are on.
Tuesday - Thursday (1/21-1/23): OFF (Tuesday was a planned rest day, so two additional rest days for stupid neck strain.)
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