Hey Friends! Sorry no post yesterday, things just got crazy getting ready to go to FNCE (read massive Dietitian conference) today! You will be getting a bonus meal prep friendly post coming this Sunday though so make sure to check back for that! How was your week? Mine was a mix of recovery from the bachelorette party and getting geared up for this conference. I'm excited to see so many RDs that I know all over the country in one place, it's gonna be a world wind for sure!
+ 2 mile walks with the pup Mon through Thurs.
Fri- Sun: Denver Bachelorette Party LOTS of dancing
Mon- Orange Theory Fitness (Workout here)
Tues- BBG Week 2 Arms & Abs
Wed - OFF
Thurs - Orange Theory Fitness (Workout here)
--> They increased my max heart rate again after this workout, apparently 39 splat points should not achievable ha ha #talented
I'm not gonna lie it was a rough week of workouts, by Wednesday I had a run planned with Nala but I needed sleep. I took it easy knowing I had a big trip coming up this week, sleep is always king in my world, ALWAYS. I'm hoping to get a run in this morning before heading out! Oh, and yes Nala and I walked 2 miles every day this week!
So since you guys like the day of eats format the most I scheduled out the days I planned to record so it's not always the same day all the time. This week I recorded on Wednesday, it was definitely a hectic not as put together day so there is that!
Remember I said I was supposed to run with Nala but I barely got up in time to get a decent walk in. That mean breakfast was FAST, I grabbed a good culture cottage cheese out of the fridge. (I get mine at Whole Foods and for the record, I really like the plain ones better.)
Then I grabbed two flax and hempseed energy bites (for seed cycling)
Then it was off too class to teach the blood lipids lab. I always tell my students that my favorite labs to teach are the ones that they have to fast and do bloodwork. I don't love that they have to do that BUT I do love that they are learning something that they can apply to their lives for the rest of their lives! I came home to this in the garage:
Soon we will have our new entertainment dining area in the dining room which will really just be a place to hide all my blogging stuff. For lunch, I made ground beef from butcher box mixed with taco seasoning, onion powder, and a dash of steak seasoning for lettuce cups.
Topped with my favorite salsa in the entire world:
(For of my Trader Joe's favorites see my healthy Trader Joe's list I posted Wednesday.) A little bit later on I got hungry while I worked so I made a big old plate of veggies and hummus, plus a few plantain chips! Confession - I finished that tub of hummus in three days, at least I ate some veggies so I'm calling that a wash. PS I love that brand of hummus, I picked it up at Safeway because it was the only one that used olive oil instead of soybean oil for the win! I actually really liked it and would totally buy it again!
For dinner, we kept it simple and made eggs with broccoli, ham, and a tiny bit of mozzarella.
I had my normal couple pieces of dark chocolate for dessert, then all hell kind of broke loose, I got super stressed about the trip and everything I had to do. I drank my "Her Herbs" tea but it didn't cut the sugar cravings.
So dessert number two was a bowl of puffins (no photo though sorry!)
Barkbox! Every month Mr. Hungry says we actually need to cancel Barkbox because Nala doesn't destroy her toys like other dogs so we have a million. But, I just can't. It's too convenient to get new toys and treats directly to your doorstep, plus they are so cute! That little dark cloud toy actually has water droplet stuffed toys that you can pull in and out of it. That is super entertaining for Nala, even though she doesn't destroy toys she knows those are in there and can get them out!
Nutrition House Software
So you guys know that over the summer I started taking clients through Designed to Fit Nutrition. I felt it complimented my current nutrition services because macro coaching wasn't something I was offering. First, it's been a bunch of fun to work with one of my favorite bloggers Tina (I also ended up doing some functional nutrition stuff with her including leap testing and hormone balancing) and get to know the rest of the DTFN team. From the very beginning, I was incredibly impressed with the easy of the software. It's drag and drop capabilities were literally mind-blowing and it's only gotten better since then. I love the software so much I'm going to be licensing it myself to utilize in a few ways on the blog as well as with my clients. If you are an RD, nutrition coach, or personal trainer I highly recommend you check out their software! It's going on pre-sale for the next 30 days but after that, the prices will rise!
That's it for today! If you are on your way to FNCE too let me know, I'd love to meet you!
Mattie @ Comfy & Confident says
I have never used a TrackR but I have used Tiles which sound like they are pretty similar. I agree they are awesome! Especially when you are scatter brained and misplace things all the time.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Right? My husband is like I don't need that I keep track of my things LOL OKAY MR. PERFECT! lol
Marina @ Happy Healing says
Nala is so cute! And you probably burned lots of calories dancing during that bachelorette weekend 🙂 best workout ever!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
for real! Nala loves it when I use her to find my phone lol
Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious says
I think I need to get that tracker for my Dad for Christmas.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
LOL OMG Well I'll give you one for Christmas then you can regift lol
Patricia @Sweet and Strong says
Hope you're having fun at the dietitian conference! I NEED some of that Harissa salsa, all the spicy please!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thank you!
Bethany says
That TRACKR is amazing! I need that for my kid! JK.....kinda
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Ha ha it's less obvious than a leash!
Emily @ Pizza & Pull-ups says
Those TrackeRs look super helpful. Hope you have a great time at the conference!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thanks girl!
Susie @ Suzlyfe says
I don't know if there are enough trackers for what I need to track....
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
LOL cuz you have prego brain!