Have you heard of Stumble Upon? Maybe this is like when everyone was on Pinterest and I didn't even know it existed. I remember being behind my friend Tveen in class and she was on it, I leaned over to my friend and asked what she was looking at. Of course my friend looked at me in horror like I lived in a box. To be fair I was in GRAD School, but so was everyone else and they knew what Pinterest was. Oh well, that was pre-blogging days and even though I spend a large amount of my time on social media sites and freelance writing I still find myself way behind the curve. So I apologize if this is old news to you but it's new to me, another awesome distraction brought to you to from the internet.....
Basically it's a way to find cool new websites on whatever your interest is, you click the Stumble Upon button and you get some random website. Kind of like chat roulette, but with filters and actually stuff you might want to see, I'll leave it at that. I'll be honest I went over to Stumble Upon as a way to promote my own blog and in the process became incredibly distracted ... but it was awesome!
You can like a page and add it under a list so that you can find it later.
Or you can browse your likes or even stumble your own likes.
So I'm not trying to get you fired or anything... buuuuutttt if you need something to do today that's highly distracting and very entertaining check it out.
Some of my favorite pages I've found so far:
38 Cutests Puppies Experiencing Things On Their First Day Home (Distractfy.com)
30 Hilarious Struggles Only a Dog Owner Would Understand (dogdose.com)
27 Adorable Pictures Of Pets Growing Up (nice-animals.com)
15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won't Believe Exists (nature-pictures.info)
10 Most Beautiful Villages in Europe (www.earthtraveling.com)
World's Most Beautiful Tree Photography (onebigphoto.com)
26 Breathtaking Places You Need to Visit in North America (thoughtcatalog.com)
34 simplest 2 ingredient recipes (crazyfood.net)
Basic Wine Guide (Shopify.com)
Simple Green Smoothies Recipes (simplegreensmoothies.com)
100 no-equipment workouts (imgur.com)
All the Motivation You Need to Hit the Gym (dailyzenlist.com)
Happy Friday distractions!!!!!!!!
What are three things you are looking forward to this weekend?
1. Picking up my first CSA at Whole Foods from Sunizona Farms.
2. The World Cup Games
3. Our First Glow Nutrition Party
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