Hello, friends! Happy Friday! I'm finally back in with a Friday Favorites post, woot woot! I hope you had a wonderful summer and start to the school year!
As far as life updates go, Nala was drinking about 6 bowls of water, which seemed excessive to me. Unfortunately, it turns out I was right. She has a bladder infection that may have extended to her kidneys. After about a week on antibiotics, she was back down to 1-2 bowls a day, and we go back for repeat urinalysis/blood work today. Hoping for good news because I know these things can take a turn south pretty quickly.
As for plans for Labor Day weekend plans, what do you have going on? My heart goes out to those of you on the east coast affected by hurricane Ida. One of my friends is living that nightmare right now and will likely not be able to return home for at least a month. We have a baby shower to attend for one of our sweet friends, Mr. Hungry has some fantasy draft stuff to do, and we will likely spend some time swimming and grilling. But, my boring/normal weekend plans seem so precious when I know that so many people are dealing with not even knowing when they can return home. My heart and prayers are with you all.
Right now, I have a HUGE list going of things we used for KK that we didn't have or use for KJ, so I'm keeping tabs on that and will post separately. But outside of baby-related things, I don't have a lot to share because everything in my life has to do with a baby! Haha is the season in my life right now!
In the meantime, here are some of my food favorites and a fitness recap!
Food Favorites:
I have a lot of food favorites to share with you, friends! A lot of these are subscription services that I've heavily relied on in the postpartum period. Thank goodness for brought to your doorstep healthy groceries and meals these days!
Daily Harvest Bowls
Not having to think about lunch is a giant peace of mind! I can't tell you how often I've been in between wrangling kids and trying to get some work done only to realize it's 2 o'clock and I haven't eaten lunch yet. That's when I throw a DH bowl into the microwave for a veggie-packed meal!
Two of my favorites are Brussel Sprouts and Tahini
and broccoli and cheeze
It's also nice that they are plant-based because I don't have to worry about if there will be milk or eggs in them! (I'm dairy-free and egg-free due to KKs intolerance in my breastmilk!)
(Read my full review here and get a special discount.)
Thrive Market Boxes
Thrive Market boxes have been saving my life with new snacks and household staples recently. And I got a free stasher bag with one of my boxes which were awesome because I feel like you can never have enough of those! (If you aren't familiar with Thrive Market, you can read my full review here.)
Sprouts Finds
This month's Sprouts Partner hauls were one of my favorites yet.
- That Everything Butter by Fixx and Fogg is to die for, I seriously couldn't stop eating it.
- The Zespri Kiwis are also super fun. They are delicious-tasting kiwis but are golden instead of green! Did you know kiwis make great marinades because of the special enzymes they have? Read more here!
- The No Cow bar is super popular with my vegan or plant-based clients, but I didn't really care for it. I was surprised, though, because so many of my clients LOVE them!
- KJ enjoyed the cassava pasta a ton 🙂 - which he ate covered in applesauce. I'm not sure if I'll ever break him of the applesauce and pasta habit, lol.
- Mr. Hungry took the pipcorn to work and said they were a delicious snack! (I'm still dairy-free for KK's MSPI, so that I couldn't have any.)
- And the Cameron's Jamaica Blend was bold and smooth with an eco-friendly pod design.
- The Core and Rind cashew cheese sauce is a great option for my dairy-free friends!
Butcher Box
My fellow ButcherBox subscribers, are you as obsessed with the member deals section as we are?
I'm always stalking the member deals section to add to our box. At this point, we could probably up to a large size box, but I keep the small custom box so I can add a bunch of member deals. I grabbed a deal on lobster meat and plan to make this Lobster roll recipe for Mr. Hungry tonight!
(Full review on Butcherbox here.)
Fitness 12/13 weeks postpartum
My fitness is coming along slowly but surely. I've been doing some real light jogging with the walk to run 1 mile with confidence program on Aaptiv. Other than that, I've been working my way through the Expecting and Empowered program, which is set up with one lower body, upper body, and one circuit workout a week. I usually get all those in plus two "walk/runs" either on a treadmill or outside!
I've also started getting out regularly for morning walks with both kids and the dog (before Nala's bladder infection, now we skip walking since the meds kind of upset her stomach.)
Pushing the stroller + the heat = a workout in itself. Usually, we only do about 30 minutes max, but the other day we got up to 45 minutes because the baby was asleep and KJ seemed content, so I kept walking! My heart rate was getting up there, pushing 60 pounds of weight in 90-degree weather!
Friday Flashbacks
Peanut Butter and Jelly Overnight Oats
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