Is it nice to be back to our regularly scheduled program on Fridays right? Whatcha got going on this weekend? The Superbowl is this weekend?!? If you are looking for snack ideas check out 50 Gluten Free Super Bowl Healthy Snacks Round Up Post!
I didn't get a chance to share any food from this week, and it's been a crazy week. We found out that KJ has some sort of food allergy likely contributing to his low weight gain and other symptoms he has, poor little guy. The most likely culprit would be dairy protein, but I'm doing a standard elimination diet just in case he has multiple allergies. That means I'm avoiding: dairy, eggs, soy, gluten/wheat, peanuts, and tree nuts. I'm on the fence about whether to include fish/shellfish in that as well, so far I haven't had any so I don't know if I will or not. If I do eliminate it, it will probably be one of the first things I bring back in.
A bunch of you on Insta asked me to share as much as possible about what I'm eating on this standard elimination diet for breastfeeding, so here it goes!. (Update - I wrote a post about BFing and MSPI here.)
For breakfast, I still start my date with coffee loaded with 2 scoops ofcollagen. Ihaven't replaced my creamer yet, so I'm drinking it black (which doesn't bother me I drink it black half the time anyway.) Followed by a blueberry oatmeal bake (I've been working on the recipe and I plan to share it when I get it how I like it, but it has oatmeal, chia seeds, baking powder, water, blueberries, cinnamon, coconut sugar, honey, and sea salt in it) topped with a big scoop of sunflower seed butter.
For a snack, I had a banana.
And a half of a Health Warrior Maple Sea Salt Pumpkin Seed Bar.
Note I'm always being watched! Before lunch, I took these creepers out for a walk. I've been babywearing for walks lately since the weather has been nice (the high 60's) and KJ prefers to snuggle with me versus being in the stroller. (I have the 360 Ergobaby with the Newborn Insert.)
Note the super awesome blurring effect, I upgraded my iPhone, and it's amazeballs.
For lunch, I had chicken andouille sausage with super greens, tomatoes, and tahini dressing (from this week's What to Eat? Meal Plan).
Followed by an iced coffee (half-caf) with vanilla unsweetened flax milk (with added pea protein.)
I got hungry while starting this post, around mid-afternoon and had some hummus with carrots. Nope didn't plate it out, ate straight out the bag/container.
I ate the rest of the Health Warrior bar before we headed out to do some errands. Note KJ LOVES his new car toy! We even made it to Whole Foods and back during the witching hour, and I credit this toy!
I also credit thiscart contraption that lifts him up and allows him to see everything. You can also put the baby directly inside of it, but I haven't tried that because it's a hassle to get him in and out of the car seat.
We swung by Whole Foods where I picked up dinner. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of it, but it was roasted Brussel sprouts and salsa verde Turkey Breast. Super delicious! I also snacked on some guac and corn tortilla chips before heading to bed. The end!
I got 10K steps for three days in a row, shooting for four days in a row next! Sure, before being a Mom I would have been mad I didn't keep the streak up. But you know what? Now I know that sometimes self-care is not doing things and sometimes your kids need you, they are only little once right?
Side note, guess what gets delivered today! OUR TREADMILL. Seriously lifelong dream comes true this weekend.
Saturday (1/26)
- 1.75-mile run
- upper body workout from Post Baby Bod
Sunday (1/27)
- Babywearing walk 1.5 miles
Monday (1/28)
- Stroller walk 2 miles
- Workout from Post Baby Bod
Tuesday (1/29)
- Babywearing walk 1.5 miles
- Evening walk with Nala about 1 mile
Wednesday (1/30) - Rest
Note I had planned to work out this day but didn't because I was just too damn tired.
Thursday (1/31)
- Babywearing walk - 2 miles
Another day I planned to do more but only so many hours in the day. Luckily I still got that 2-mile walk in plus it was weighted so that counts for something right?
Tamara says
Your recipes are great. Both my kids are gluten, dairy,nut and soy free. Will be trying some of your recipes. I'm sure they will love it!