Hi friends!
I wanted to follow up on my little announcement from last weekend with a first-trimester recap. I don't know how often I'll do pregnancy updates, likely monthly, but we will see!
Overall this pregnancy has been pretty par for the course. The big difference is I now have a preschooler at home bringing preschool germs to contend with. So, that's unfortunate. Not a fan of colds on top of pregnancy. And if I'm being honest, this has been a high-stress time in our lives for a few reasons that I can't discuss. But, the stress did add to the fatigue and nausea. When I saw it headed in a dark direction for mental health, I started counseling around eight weeks pregnant. So I can't say I'm in peak mental or physical health for this pregnancy, but each day I wake up and do my best to nurture both the best I can.
I would say that being a mom to three has already come with its challenges and rewards, but of course, I wouldn't have it any other way. I always wanted a bigger family, and although I feel like this will be it for me, I am so happy we're expecting baby three!
Week 3
I took a couple of cheap amazon pregnancy tests ten days post ovulation, I thought they were negative, but when I came back an hour later, there was a faint line. I figured it could be an evap line, so I took another cheap one and a First Response. Got a faint line with the first response test within the 5-minute time window and nothing on the cheap one. I started laughing hysterically because I could have sworn I was NOT pregnant. Each time before, I had tender, swollen breasts and food aversions that alerted me something was up. This time, none of that.
I started laughing hysterically because I had told Mr. Hungry I didn't need to take a test to know if I was pregnant. He was standing there and, of course, wanted to know what was so funny. It was a really happy moment. Looking back, the only symptoms I did have were an intense smell aversion to biscuits, and gravy leftover Mr. Hungry was eating next to me on the couch one night. And maybe some low back pain I had randomly for one day. Perhaps fatigue, but I have two kids, and I always have fatigue, haha, and it's about to get worse...
Worried my breasts aren't sore like they were in the past, but the line is darker at 11 DPO. The line continued to darken slowly over the week.
Week 4
I called my Doctor, who sent me for bloodwork around 17 DPO (days past ovulation), so I stopped taking home pee tests. I figured blood work was more accurate. I also went in for a check for a yeast infection at 15 DPO. I was clear by that point. The Doctor said I probably cleared it by myself. Ultrasound was scheduled for the first available appointment around eight weeks. I worked on weaning down to 1 cup of coffee per day (Doctor said I could have two, but since I did none in the first trimester for my other kids, I at least wanted to get to one.) Some fatigue, but I have two kids and cut down on a cup of coffee, so who knows? I did sleep one day from 7 pm to 6 am.
I don't know what I did to give it away, but Mr. Hungry's Mom figured out I was pregnant. So we also told his Dad that weekend.
Week 5
Bloodwork came back, and Doctor left notes in the portal stating the HCG was normal (which was a relief to hear because I wasn't sure when I initially saw the results) and that the progesterone was excellent but could continue on the progesterone prescribed. Random mild, very, very mild nausea throughout the week. Some fatigue but nothing too bad. One time I came back from walking the dog and fell asleep (the sitter had just got here; I didn't leave my kids unintended to sleep.)
My Mom asked if we would have more kids, so we told her too.
Week 6
Some days have a little more significant nausea, but it is still mild. The nausea goes as fast as it comes. Some days none. My anxiety level is 110% from not having as strong symptoms as pregnancies past and counting down the days until we get an ultrasound. Praying everything is okay and trying to let go because it's outside of my control. Fatigue on some days tempts me for the second cup of coffee. The one weird thing is occasionally. I had insane hunger, like I hadn't eaten in 10 days. It happened twice. Was bizarre. I also had a craving for a Butterfinger for like three days in a row, so I finally got myself one from CVS and happily ate the whole thing.
I started wearing my shorts from last summer (after I had KK two sizes up), my old ones fit, but they HUG uncomfortably. The loser feels better, but I'm not ready for maternity clothes. I have a ton of bloating!
Cravings: Butterfinger, popcorn, top ramen
Week 7
Holy fatigue. I go to bed at 6 or 7 and wake up at 6. And by "go to bed," I lay down right after the kids get to bed (or at least one of them is in bed, and Mr. Hungry has the other one), and I pass out. No brushing teeth, no makeup removal, just passing out. I eventually get up to get progesterone, brush my teeth, change my clothes and go back to bed. Occasionally, I fall asleep at my computer at random times throughout the day. I am leaning more on the kids watching TV when I don't have childcare, even though KK won't watch longer than 9 minutes MAX.
And as the week went on, nausea and food aversions intensified. Diet reduced to bagels, cereal, and popcorn. Sometimes PB pretzels. I am just trying to get through the week because, historically, week 7 is my worst week. Praying I get better next week.
Anxiously awaiting the first ultrasound next week. I told my boss at the community college because we were scheduling courses for me to teach in person next semester.
Week 8
Immediately at the start of the week, I started to feel better pregnancy-wise. But toward the end of week 8, I began to get sick. I'm glad the nausea let up because the headache, congestion, and then the cough that developed were narly. I also struggled with insomnia, so I started taking unisom at night ½ tab (which I took my other pregnancies for nausea, but it's also a sleep aid.) Although I felt better, being sick and having limited medication to choose from, mainly because I'm in the first trimester, was narly. I had to skip the Mom's group meeting I attend at church, which is only once a month, and the Jen Fullwillier show I had planned to go to with a friend.
But, on a happy note, we had a great ultrasound. Based on the conception and the ultrasound Doctor gave me a due date of April 30th. So, in my mind, I immediately add eight days, haha. My babies seem to like to stay put until I threaten or evict them. Scheduled NIPT + gender test and NT scan. Overall, week 8 was more like week 6 in terms of symptoms—some light nausea, food aversions, and fatigue, but nothing overwhelmingly strong. Being sick made me feel bad, but that's somewhat unrelated.
I mostly wear oversized T-shirts and shorts since I don't feel good and don't want to break into maternity clothes yet, but everything else feels uncomfortable. We told my Aunt, Uncle, and cousin this week. I'm 100% sure I'm having another boy.
Cravings: Mcdonald's Breakfast Sandwiches
Week 9
This week took me off guard. I felt crappy most of the week. Nauseous and exhausted. My one highlight was Starbucks, 80% of the mornings. At least I went on a few walks that were really hot, but that was it for exercise. Find it hard to mentally wrap my mind around making it another seven months in pregnancy, but also trying not to be ungrateful for the pregnancy. Saying this is the last time over and over helps.
Cravings: plain bagel and cream cheese, half-caff tall caramel macchiato
Week 10
I felt better this week and am cautiously optimistic that I'm headed in the right direction regarding nausea. It still comes and goes but overall, feeling better—needed naps or to sleep most days. SO FREAKING SWEATY even though the weather is cooling down.
I look like I'm 15 weeks pregnant even though I'm 10. It's wild. Still pretty sure it's another boy, but not as 100% sure as I was before. Like 98% sure, haha.
Cravings: breakfast burritos, half-caff tall caramel macchiato
I look forward to the genetic blood test next week, which will also tell us the gender!
Week 11
Morning walks feel like running 10 miles without the post-run endorphin rush. Just brutal, sweaty (even though it's 70 out), and slow. Looking forward to (and am nervous about) getting the blood results back and to the ultrasound next week! Waiting/patience has never been my strong suit, and I'm sure I will have them tell me the gender the MINUTE they call me on the phone. Also, looking forward to family photos this weekend! I dealt with shaky blood sugar issues reminding me I needed to keep my food intake up during pregnancy, or it would go south quickly.
They called me! She told me the genetic results were all normal and did I want to know the gender on the phone. I took a deep breath and said yes, there was no way I could wait to find out if I would be a boy mom forever. She said you are going to have a baby..........
I yelled it out loud, haha.
I would have been excited either way, but I was surprised since I had been 98% sure I was having a boy.
Week 12
I forgot to record, but I remember letting the idea that we are having a girl sink in. After having two boys, I kind of thought God thought I wouldn't have patience for a teenage girl, but I guess I was wrong. Still pretty sure that will be the biggest challenge of my life, but I'll worry about that when it comes to it. I felt pretty sick this week, but the fatigue loosened up.
I had a doctor's appointment. Routine bloodwork was ordered, and we saw the babe on the ultrasound. My Doctor mentioned keeping my protein intake up, so I've been trying to eat more tolerable sources like cheese and Banza pasta since meat is kind of off the table. I also got the flu shot in his office and reacted as if I had been given the flu. Maybe not that bad, but more symptoms than I've ever had from the flu shot.
Week 13
Foods are less offensive this week. Not inoffensive, but the nausea is less, and overall, feeling SO SO SO much better. I thought about getting off the unisom but decided to wait. I did record much because it was KJ's birthday, and he had two parties, one on Wednesday and one on Saturday, and the kids got sick. I added one cup of half-caff coffee in the afternoon, which was life. I do 4 ounces regular and 4 ounces decaf in the Keurig. As I said, it was life! I could get in four work outs for the first time since I found out I was pregnant. So that felt good.
How My Third Pregnancy Is Different (Written Prior to 11 Weeks)
Until we found out the gender, I stopped telling people I was pregnant, so they would stop asking me "what I wanted." I've always hated that question. If what I get is not what I told you I wanted, does that make this pregnancy less than or this child less wanted? With two of the same gender already, everyone wants to know if we "want a girl." Or, they come out and say they hope it's a girl. But I just wanted a healthy baby, I'm getting close to 35, and I already have enough pregnancy anxiety.
You get what you are given, so I don't try too hard to want anything other than a healthy baby. In addition, I experienced gender disappointment even when I got what I wanted in my first pregnancy, so I hate the question about what we wanted. So I vowed not to say a word to anyone else who didn't need to know until after I knew the gender so I could announce the pregnancy at the same time as the gender. That way, no one else could ask me "what I wanted" or interject their thoughts about a girl as if a boy would be a less valuable addition to our family. (This got harder to conceal later on as I looked pretty obviously pregnant by ten weeks along.)
Do you know what else is funny? People assume a third pregnancy is unplanned. Ours was planned and hoped for, so I find it mildly offensive. The number of comments from strangers and people I know closely is nothing short of astounding and balsey. Of course, many third pregnancies are oopses just as there are first, second, and fourth (plus more) oopses, but I think the assumption, or at least the way it comes across to me, is that only idiots would be stupid enough to plan a third baby purposely. Things I would NEVER say in a million years to someone unless MAYBE they were my best friend. Again, I find it offensive, but that's just me. Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but I'm unsure how else to read the immediate assumption that the pregnancy was not intended or unwanted. A simple congratulations would suffice.
But ya know, whatever! haha
How were your pregnancies different? Did people react differently?
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Brigid says
Three blessings! No mistakes. I have three but I cannot remember how anyone reacted tbh. They were fairly close in age. My oldest was 3.5 yo when I had my youngest. Sick through all first trimesters but most brutally with the first. I loved the ages where your boys are now but yes by all means sleep when you can. You're growing a human! Enjoy and God Bless!