NOTE ABOUT NEXT WEEK: I will not be scheduling posts to go live the night before, I'll be publishing them manually in the morning. Which means you might not see them go live until around 9 am MST time, which for some of you on the east coast will be as late as noon. My plan is to share on Instagram Stories (@hungryhobbyrd) when/if I'm admitted to the hospital next week, but after that, I will keeping the experience private. Don't worry I'll share the nitty gritty on a birth recap if you are interested, but while I'm experiencing it I'd like to be fully present with Mr. Hungry and any family that joins us. Thank you <3
Last week felt weird to me, but this week felt like somebody else's life. Almost kind of like being on Thanksgiving break from school. On Thanksgiving break, I always knew I had studying/papers/etc I could be completing but never wanted to do it. At the same, I felt the pending doom of deadlines coming up that kept me from fully enjoying the experience.
Luckily, waiting on the baby is a bit more exciting than that, but the anxiety feeling is kind of similar. I know loss can occur at any time during pregnancy, even at full term, but I'm trying not to let my anxiety get the best of me. While I'm happy for the awareness the community section of the baby apps gives me, for my mental health I think I might have to delete them off my phone.
Accidentally clicking on a seemingly innocent title led me to do hourly kick counts and schedule for the soonest available ultrasound which I had originally declined. No more forums or apps for Kelli. (You can read my 38.5-week pregnancy update here for more on that.)
The point is, I've been on "low power mode" this week. At this point any recipes I post were pre-written, so I'm only blogging about pregnancy in real time. It's kind of weird, I feel a bit disconnected and a little bored. I find myself using any excuse to get out of the house and just be distracted. I also watched a ton of Netflix, just like Thanksgiving break right? ha ha
On the weekend agenda? Have a baby? Or maybe not? What about you????
Friday Food
You know we had to get in Crackers Cafe one more time before the baby comes. I got the biscuit and gravy plate and Mr. Hungry got Pumpkin Cheesecake Pancakes which he said were phenomenal.
On Thursday afternoon I went to lunch with my mom at House of Tricks.
We started with the artichoke dip which had green chiles in it! I'm going to have to remember that and add a can to my lightened up spinach artichoke dip recipe next time I make it! I dug into my salad before taking a picture which is why it no longer looks styled, but it was delicious! It took almost 40 minutes for us to get our food, which I thought was a little long but they were really busy! It was definitely delicious though!
Friday Fitness
I haven't been keeping track, but I have been walking the dog almost every day 2-3 miles! It is SOOOOOOOOOOO nice outside right now. Like I'm literally loving the weather and loving that I have the flexibility to go on walks at a time other than 5 am. Can not wait to take the baby on walks with us! Although, what tracker do you guys use to track your steps when pushing a stroller? My Garmin vivoactive does not track steps when you push a stroller, learned that with my nephew over Christmas.
Friday Favorites
Found a new show to binge watch and I LOVE it. The New Girl is so freaking hysterical and light-hearted I love it. I feel like I've been sharing a lot about TV shows recently, I'm usually not a TV person but I've probably watched enough in the last 9 months to catch me up with the rest of the world.
Bought these from Costco (but you can get them on Amazon too) yesterday in desperation for a healthy snack and they were definitely a winner! Taste like a super healthy trail mix cookie!
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