Happy Fri-YAY friends!
Today is the last day to enter the Instant Pot Giveaway! Hop on it if you haven't done so already!
I'm so excited for a somewhat laid back weekend! I have had so much going on the past couple months it will be nice to just stay home. On the downside, I've got a ton of maternity leave work to do and a bunch of admin work for WTE? Meal Plans but it's all worth it! I love doing what I do, especially when I can do it from my couch.
And on Monday I'm going to the Padres vs. Diamondback game! If you are looking for something to do remember tickets are only $9.60 in celebration of Shamrock farms 96-year anniversary. You can find out more about it here!
Modified Bed Rest - so the exercise I'm getting is pretty minimal but I know it's temporary!
Um, it's been kind of a carb fest, sorry not sorry. ha ha
We went out to Abuelos near Chandler Fashion on Wednesday night and it was delicious! Mr. Hungry and I had heard mixed reviews so we were pleasantly surprised with how good the food and service was! The downside, the baby takes up most of my stomach room so I only ate about ¼ of my plate. But, Mr. Hungry helped me finish it off! And I ate PLENTY of chips.
I actually kind of forgot about all the eating out we did with Mr. Hungry's family until I was looking at my pictures on my phone. We also went to Zinburger, which is always a win!
And had this delicious breakfast at Biscuits Cafe, also in Chandler the morning after the baby shower.
And a pizza date with my MIL from MOD after my last OBGYN appointment.
I actually have a lot of new favorite stuff to share with you guys this week!
First up, my hair guy, Brad (he is awesome if you are a Phoenix local he works in the east valley and central Phoenix) recommended this anti-frizz straightening solution B6 Straight Blow Dry. It was supposed to make my hair smoother after blow drying. I didn't really notice that but what I did notice was that after I finished doing my hair the next couple days I barely had to do anything to it. It stayed nice and straight and not frizzy even after sleeping on it!
I also got a new conditioner. I was using Kerasilk but I felt like it just wasn't working anymore like I needed the whole bottle to get any conditioning out of it. Maybe hormones are to blame? I like the new one that Brad recommended though!
Health Warriors new super clean plant-based protein powder that is both paleo and whole 30 compliant! You can find out more about it here.
Are you guys gonna hit up any labor day sales this weekend? I'm definitely thinking 50% off J. Crew or 20% off Macy's sounds pretty freaking awesome!
Around the interweb:
Probiotics May Improve Heart Health
Easy Healthy Breakfast Recipes
It's Like Trello and Gmail Had A Baby
5 Ways to Encourage Infants to Eat More Vegetables
Friday Flashback
20 Minute Spicy Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps
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