Hi, friends! And just like that another week has come and gone! Quick heads up, I'll mention this again Monday's post but next week through Monday will be sparse on the blogging front. We have a bunch of Mr. Hungry's family coming into town and staying at our house for Mr. Hungry's grandmas birthday.
Between prewriting posts for the fall and keeping things running smoothly now, I've been working as much and as long as I can stay away. It's definitely time for a mini break to recharge, so I'm taking this opportunity to keep it light on the work front for the week. As always I appreciate your continued support of Hungry Hobby! Of course, you can find daily nonsense on insta stories as well!
First, up for local friends, I've got another seminar this weekend in town. If you can make it I'd love to see you there!
These seminars have been so much fun! And great reminders for myself about how to fight my preggo sugar cravings!
Now let's do the fitness thing!
Fitness - 26 Weeks Pregnant
I'll be honest, as the weeks go by writing down my workouts is becoming an emotional experience. When I sit down to write these posts I think to myself things like "I should be doing so much more, I wish I could just pretend like everything is great, maybe I'll stop recording my weekly workouts no one will miss it." Then I remember that I'm not the only pregnant woman to feel this way.
If the only people out there recording their workouts are the workout goddesses (not saying I don't wish I was one of them because I do) then more people will feel bad about what they are able to do and they shouldn't. We each do what feels right for our bodies, and we (read talking to myself here) need to honor that.
So in the spirit of honesty, the last couple of weeks, I've slowed way down due to an aggravated SI joint and HIT workouts not feeling the best on the bladder. What feels great is swimming, upper body lifting, and lots of walking. So, that's what I've stuck too.
Friday (7/13) - short morning walk of 2 miles and swam 1,050 meters in a pyramid style workout which kept things moving along so fast I thought I'd put it in a graphic for you!
Saturday (7/14) - morning walk 3 miles
Sunday (7/15) - off
Monday (7/16) - morning walk 3 miles and upper body lifting session
I was lacking my own inspiration so I did a modified workout from @pbfingers IG stories account! She has great workout inspiration!
Tuesday (7/17) - morning walk 2.5 miles
Wednesday (7/18) - morning walk 2 miles - and the fun part about yesterday was I was texting people the videos of the coyote I had just saw and rolled my ankle. If you remember I rolled my ankle at 9 weeks and it has been weak ever since. Do to relaxin, the hormone that relaxes ligaments during pregnancy, I don't think that ankle will be able to truly heal until after baby comes. So, I've been on guard that something like this might happen, I iced it and wore my compression socks all day to help the recovery along.
Thursday (7/19) - letting my ankle recover, it already feels much better so I did an upper body lifting working.
By some miracle, we haven't been eating out that much recently.
Just this....
and a breakfast with Mr. Hungry's Grandma at Duck And Decanter
LP says
I feel you on the pregnancy workout emotions! Throughout most of my pregnancy my body has just wanted to slow down from the more intense Crossfit workouts I normally do. I’m now 36 weeks and finally given up any idea of working out besides walking and swimming. That’s all my body wants to do and I’m reminding myself a lot that’s ok. It’s hard to remember sometimes our bodies are doing a lot of behind the scenes work.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
That is so true! That app keeps telling me I burn more calories sitting down then my husband does during a workout. I don't know if that's 100% true but I'd like to believe it is ha ha Thanks for the reminder!
Dianne says
Thanks so much for your prego updates. I'm 3 weeks behind you with our first and I'm struggling with the same lack of motivation to work out. (Also trying hard not to feel so bad about the weight gain but that's another story.) Anyway I appreciate your candor and I agree that it is important for us to see that pregnancy comes in all different shapes. We are all just doing the best we can to workout and eat. Keep it up - you are amazing!!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
For real! The lack of motivation is something I did not expect. I think because I'd rather be doing super hard intense workouts I'm just not as motivated for the more laid back ones. Seriously sometimes it's just survival mode we need to be proud of ourselves for making it through!
Karly Foret says
You are Defiantly not the only one feeling like workouts are starting to slow down so much. I thought I'd be able to do so much more than what I am now also, but everyone is different! Do what feels good for your body is my motto. Like they say pregnancy is temporary!
Have a great weekend!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thanks, Karly! Yes exactly "I thought I would be able to do so much more than I am now" is exactly right! So glad to hear that I'm not the only one and your right it is temporary! Thanks girl!
Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious says
I feel so left out not being pregnant, but I will say having multiple injuries over the years that I can relate. You just have to get your body time and remember it's temporary.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thanks girl!
Lindsay says
I definitely relate to the workout portion of this post! I'm 18 weeks and have just been so tired and have been skipping workouts in favor of more sleep lately and then feeling a little guilty about it. I keep reminding myself my body is probably doing more work than I'm aware of but definitely still don't feel that great about my lack of working out lately. Keep it up Mama!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
The fatigue is crazy right? I feel like no one told me about that! ha ha Sleep is just as important as working out, you keep it up too!