Hi, friends! Happy Friday! How was your short week if you had one? Congrats to Cheryl for winning the Slow Cooker! Check your email!
Quick reminder today is the LAST day to get 25% off What to Eat? Meal Plans! If you purchase any time today I'll this weeks meal plan loaded within 24 hours! Jump on it!
The best thing that happened this week is I went for a whopping half a mile run and it didn't flare anything up! YESSSSSS so happy! I'm still having some sitting pain but it's not as bad so that's good! I even got my hair done and sat for like 90 minutes, it wasn't totally pain-free but definitely better. We are still treating it as a pelvic floor/coccyx issue which is ya know, oh so fun. One thing I have to say is that I'm feeling semi back to normal. I'm still careful. Like when I got my hair done instead of continuing to aggravate it by sitting, I just went home and styled my hair myself. Overall though I'm feeling a little less isolated, I could make it through a dinner with Mr. Hungry if I wanted to etc. I definitely won't be getting on a plane anytime soon, but that's okay for now. So that's where I'm at. I'll continue to keep you guys updated, thank you for all your kind words, prayers, and well wishes I appreciate them a lot!
Thursday (1/18) - OFF
Wednesday (1/17) - Trimotus
Tuesday (1/16) - half a mile run plus this workout from last week
Monday (1/15) OFF
Sunday (1/14) Hiking with Mr. Hungry
Sunday (1/13) I did the following circuit for 3 rounds
- Planks
- Glute Activators
- Weighted Deadbugs
- Jump Rope
- Arnold Press
- Body Squats
- Single Arm Bent Over Rows
- Lunges
Friday (1/12) Trimotus
Yesterday started with coffee with collagen while I did some work until my tummy started to grumble. For breakfast I made two fried eggs, with cinnamon sweet potatoes (recipe for that) I meal prepped on Monday, and arugula plus my favorite salad dressing.
I then proceeded to guzzle down TWO 32 ounce glasses of water before noon. I haven't been that great at drinking water recently so this was definitely a huge achievement.
Around 11:30 or so I had a morning glory muffin which I slathered with a TON of peanut butter (for seed cycling). I've been so craving peanut butter like crazy recently.
At 12:30 I decided to head out to take Nala for a much-needed walk in the sunshine!
Recently I've been feeling kind of shitty. At first, I thought it was because I was weaning off of caffeine but then I realized it had to be more than that. I was taking the caffeine thing so slowly, I just feel like it's something else. Two days in a row I fell asleep for hours in the middle of the day, so not like me, I usually have TONS of energy. Plus I've been having headaches, I know it sounds like caffeine withdrawal and it could be, but part of me thinks it's my iron. So I went to Sonora Quest labs and just ordered an iron panel through them for $40 bucks, I've had iron issues in the past so we will see if that's whats going on! After I came back and had a yogurt with some pure Elizabeth granola (affiliate link) and trail mix.
I got super snacky, let's just say I ate quite a bit more granola than that... whoops. Then you know what happened? I fell asleep working on the couch, just straight passed out so I went into bed and slept two hours. WTF?!?! people W.T.H. And just in case you are thinking it, go research which seeds I'm eating in my seed cycling protocol, I am not pregnant, so there has to be another reason for the tiredness. I actually woke up to Mr. Hungry ringing the door bell apparently he called and texted me a bunch but my phone was on silent. It was pretty much dinner by that time and I didn't have anything to feed all three of us (my MIL is here for a couple more days while Grandma gets settled into her apartment.) So we went to our favorite restuarant Perfect Pear! I got a Fall Leaves salad with salmon, love me some goat cheese.
And all the sweet potato fries!
Mr. Hungry and his mom got Baskin & Robbins ice cream but I skipped it in favor of my latest Halo top obsession.
Finished the night with some "baby" tea - aka fertility tea. It's called "her herbs" from Dessert Sage herbs.
Two new YouTube videos!
Patrick@looneyforfood.com says
Im still stuck on those sweet potato fries! Thats so great that you were able to run with out any flare up! I just cant do the Halo Top thing, while they are delicious I can't justify spending so much on it when I can spend half the price and get a big carton of light ice cream for the same amount of calories per serving.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Good point, definitely good point! Ugh, it is expensive I totally agree. My issue with light ice cream is the artificial sweeteners, halo top uses stevia which I'm more okay with. Let me know if you find a cheaper brand without artificial sweeteners, I'm good with not paying $6 bucks a quart ha ha.