Happy Weekend friends! I wasn't able to post Friday Favorites yesterday because I had a bunch of medical appointments and phone calls to make for the kids and me that seemed to take over the day. Derm, ENT, etc. But better late than never, right? And look! I wore real clothes one day this week! I generally spend most of my week in athleisure since I never know when I'm gonna go to the gym. I wish I could be a 5 am gym person like I used to be, but it doesn't work for me. Anytime I work out early in the morning, I end up injured. Plus, Mr. Hungry generally goes to the gym to play basketball in the morning, and if I tried to work out at home, I'm sure I'd be interrupted 8 thousand times. I'd rather my work time get interrupted in the morning than workout hah.a
My chiro said that it's typical for some people to be prone to injury early in the AM, and it really takes 2 hours for the spine/body to truly warm up. So, I end up working out at random times throughout the day, usually in the morning but sometimes at noon or even 2 pm, right before I pick the kids up from school. So, all that to say, I almost never wear real clothes. But, this day was a rest day, and I needed to meet with a client who had a GI MAP come back. I don't have childcare on Tuesdays/Thursdays, so the baby girl went to the gym for childcare while I met with my client. (The boys were in school.)
I only have a link to these shoes (aka my favorite loafers ever). Everything else comes from Stitch Fix. I know some of you use SF and want the names of clothes so here it goes: Love Ellie Audrey Waffle Cropped Cardigan| JUST USA Paula Scissor Cut Straight Cut Jeans |Kaila Chana Knit Bodysuit | Urban Expressions Robi Classic Work Tote
This week was busy but fun! KJ had his final basketball game of the season, and man, did that kid come out of his shell! He's got a great shot and works hard at dribbling, but it took him all season to get comfortable guarding complete strangers. As a kid who is typically "slow to warm up," it was fun to see him come out of his shell over the season! For his final game, the whole family went to see him play!
And then for awards the team went to get ice cream, KK was more than happy to join the team for ice cream! Our first time at Braum's! It was pretty delicious!
KK also had an adorable little spring play that was "creature themed." his class was Porcupines! He is my kid that LOVES school and is so happy to be there. He's only going two days a week right now because that's all I could get him into, but I think he would have loved three days a week. That's what I signed him up for next semester. I went back and forth trying to decide whether I would put baby girl in a couple of days a week, too but ultimately decided to keep her home one more year.
Before we do the Friday's Favorite thing, don't forget a new meal plan is now live in the Library of Resources! (If you are an HH subscriber and have trouble accessing it, please watch this video.)
HH Around the Web/Social:
- Cabbage Pizza
- Chicken Noodle Soup
- Eating Healthy vs. Losing Weight
- The sauce that helped me lose 55lbs
- Foods that helped me lose 55lbs
- Steps before 9AM
Lady of Ashes
Finished the third book in this series! By far my favorite book of the series so far, I feel like it's just now "getting good." I like the other books enough to keep reading, but this book has made me more invested in "What Will Happen."
My full list of fantasy favorites can be found here!
Sport Coffee
The gym was out of regular coffee, so I tried this! It wasn't overly sweet, and it didn't make my heart pound out of my chest like an energy drink, so overall, I'd give it a 6/10.
Fermented Onions
Cleveland Kitchen sent me a bunch of things to try from their fermented product line, but funny enough, these fermented red onions were my favorite! Surprising because I'm not a huge onion fan. They are slightly sweet, a little tangy, and have a tiny onion bite. Honestly, we've been adding them to so many random meals!
Like this Caesar salad pack that I paired with pre-made steak sirloin from Costco.
Mr. Hungry and KK have been obsessed with smoothie box smoothies. You can read my full review (with discount code) here. I also ordered Mr. Hungry some to go cups. I know it's wasteful, but our reusable cup lids always seem to go missing, and I can never find the full set when I need it. And let's be honest, it's easier for Mr. Hungry to throw a disposable cup away than to find somewhere to wash it and bring it home. Unfortunately, KK wants his in the same cup as Daddy, so now we are using them for him, too. But he can also take it with him in the car, and I can throw it away when he's done when we are out and about vs. losing a dirty smoothie cup in my car for weeks.
I'm not trying to get you to come over to the wasteful dark side with me or anything, but I'm just saying there are fewer dishes and rotten smoothie cups over here. But that may be because despite always thinking I'm Type A, I'm really more of a Type B mom just along for the ride with feral children and an extremely messy car.
Menage A Trois Red Blend
I rarely drink nowadays, but last weekend I had a glass of this red blend from Costco each day and it was DELICIOUS. Red blends can be so blah, but this one was full of flavor and so smooth!
I just wanted to share that Mr. Hungry and I agreed we would NOT buy this from Costco again. It did not taste like orange chicken and was not yummy.
Kid's Lunches
Pretty much the same as usual for the kiddos! (See my full list of school lunch gear here.)
We're making progress! I'm starting to see some side abs! Unfortunately, the workout I did last Thursday made me so sore that I had to take two extra rest days. I think finding the correct load and intensity is so individual and hard for everyone. I used to think that much soreness was a good thing, but now, I took it as a sign that it was too much for my body. I did the workout again yesterday but pulled back on the intensity of the pulse squats. Previously, I did eight reps of 5 pulse squats holding 12.5lb. I pulled that back to 8 reps of 3 pulse squats at body weight. Hopefully, that will sit a little better! I also diligently foam rolled, stretched, and used the theragun after my workout. Pulse squats will always make you super sore because they increase the time under tension, so it's not abnormal. However, I'm hoping pulling back on the intensity will help a bit. The goal for me is to not need more than one day of rest for every two workouts. I really like two days on, one day off, and repeat.
Here is what my workout split looked like last week:
- Friday (2/28)- Lower Body - Glutes and Quads focused
- Thursday (2/27) - OFF
- Wednesday (2/26) - Upper Body (Back and Triceps) & Abs
- Tuesday (2/25) - Lower Body (Hamstring and glutes)
- Monday (2/24) - OFF
- Sunday (2/23) - Ab/stability
- Saturday (2/22) - OFF
- Friday (2/21) - Upper Body (Chest and Biceps) + Abs
I'm still not doing any split leg exercises except for step-ups.
Friday Flashbacks
Chocolate Peanut Butter Mug Cake
Seafood Recipe Round Up for Lent
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