Hi, friends! I know I've been inconsistent with Friday Favorites posts. There has just been so much going on! I hope to get back to Friday Favorites regularly soon, but I'm happy to check-in today.
One of the reasons I couldn't check in last week was because we were getting our house ready for the reception for KK's baptism! It was a small and joyous celebration.
KK chattered and wiggled around like he does during any church service, Kal got dangerously close to the baptismal font, and we were surrounded by love. It was wonderful!
Another reason I've been super busy is that this year I am the director of meetings for the Nutrition Entrepreneurs Dietetic Practice Group. I signed up as a two-year commitment (first incoming then chair), and my main job was planning our networking meeting during the Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo in 2020. Unfortunately, that year was canceled due to COVID, and then we decided to hold our first-ever Nutrition Entrepreneurs Summit (so I was still incoming.) Then, we decided to do it again the following year, which put me in charge of the committee that planned the summit. Today is the last day of the summit, and it's been so fun to see everything we worked so hard for come to pass.
While I'm so proud of the final event and have made so many excellent RD connections, it's also nice that it's over. Planning an entire conference while juggling a baby, a toddler, and working was a lot. But I'm so glad I did it. It was a great experience, but we've also had some significant life changes in the Shallal household as well. So, I'm happy to see two things off my plate - summit planning and KK's baptism. And at least the shingles cleared up ... (insert eye roll.)
On a brighter note, we have family in town this weekend, so it should be a fun weekend!
WTE? Meal Plan
Meal plan subscribers, your meal plan is in your inbox!
Around the blog:
- Carne Asada Steak
- Healthy Banana Cupcakes
- Healthy Coleslaw
- Egg White Frittata
- Grocery Shopping 101: Oils
Instagram Favorites
Our chairs and cushions came, so now our table is finally complete! Not the best picture, but I wanted to share!
Ordering Chipotle
I enjoyed the convenience of ordering chipotle this week, but I do feel like they kind of j me.
I gave myself about two weeks off after having Shingles. Could I have worked out? Absolutely, yes. BUT, you only get shingles when you are under 50 if you've pissed your body off. In other words, my immune system was shot enough to let the chickenpox virus go rogue for a while. I took that as a BIG wake-up call that I needed to take better care of myself. I got more sleep, took baths, read books, and skipped workouts. I knew I needed to let my body rest before getting back at it. And in the last week or so, I have been getting back at it! I'm working through the Aaptiv 90 day slay program and adding in my own stuff here and there.
Friday - Strength Workout Aaptiv
Saturday - OFF
Sunday - OFF
Monday - 30 minute Aaptiv Run
Tuesday - Strength Workout - Aaptiv
Wednesday - OFF
Thursday - HIIT Test (Aaptiv)
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